V&A Waterfront, Capetown, Western Cape, South Africa, 8001
This event is an Introductory workshop to our courses where we teach proven techniques for stress relief, wellness and happiness.
What is the Intro to Meditation & Breath?
This event is an Introduction to Breath and Meditation workshop, where you will experience some of the techniques that will enable you to experience a deep sense of relaxation whilst being simultaneously energised.
For more information about the techniques on our courses please see:
This Intro event is free of charge.
* Please communicate to the organiser (WhatsApp: 076-0918582) should you no longer be able to attend after registering.
Parking and location
The Intro session is taking place at InUWell, Upper Level, V&A Waterfront, Capetown
Google Maps link to location: https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.903718,18.420393,17z
InUWell is located on the Upper level of V& A Waterfront and accessable via the escalator next to Woolworths.