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  1. Whirlpool

    This consciousness is like a lake. And the inner faculties of the mind are like a whirlpool in there. ...
  2. Already Connected

    The moment you feel a connection from your side---just know, you have already been connected; otherwise, you won't even come anywhere near this knowledge, this path. ...
  3. Being one with Divine

    You are Divine. You are part of me, I am Part of you. It is not a question of am I bigger than you, or equal to you, or less than you- I am You. ...
  4. Belonging

    You can never feel jealous about yourself, can you? When something is not you, you feel jealous. ...
  5. Transforming Feverishness

    Attend to every part of your body with honour, and all feverishness will be transformed into love. ...
  6. Transformation

    Awareness, understanding and experiencing the life energy down inside, can bring huge transformation. ...
  7. Art of living

    Living in the favourable conditions and unfavourable conditions is a part of living, but smiling in all those is the ‘Art of living’. ...
  8. Offering

    Oh Lord, this whole universe is Yours, this body is Yours, this mind is Yours, the mind with all its conflict is also Yours, the mind with all its beauty is Yours---this offering itself is a technique that brings you back home. ...
  9. Pain vs. Thought of the Pain

    It's not the pain that is bothering us; it is the thought of the pain that bothers one. It's not the situation that one is troubled with, but the fear of the situation that is troubling one. ...
  10. Intense Joy

    When we get in touch with the source of life, then all of other tensions, worries which have been clouding this manifestation fall off and we can sing, dance, and be happy. Life can become very intense, intense in the sense of being joyful. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More