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Ayurvedic Cooking Testimonial 4
South Africa Initially, I found food cooked in the Ayurvedic style boring. But I was amazed to find that we can make delicious recipes without oil, sugar and spice. “On the third day of the course, my body started feeling good and light. My skin became mo ... -
Ayurvedic Cooking Testimonial 3
The Ayurvedic cooking course is a very exciting experience for me as I never cooked before. This course is a good mixture of theoretical and practical approach. We all attended a counseling session in which we came to know our tridosha type and learnt how ... -
Ayurvedic Cooking Testimonial 2
The course gave me a full explanation about the use of fresh and raw vegetables and fruits, the time of eating and how much to eat. Cooking to me was a complex process involving different spices with different oils and keeping an eye on the clock for pres ... -
Ayurvedic Cooking Testimonial 1
I was a patient of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and backache. After doing the Sudarshan Kriya, my life has changed and after doing the Ayurvedic cooking course my health has improved very much within six days. We were taught how to adopt methods ... -
Courses Testimonial89
The Ayurvedic cooking course is a very exciting experience for me as I never cooked before. This course is a good mixture of theoretical and practical approach. We all attended a counseling session in which we came to know our tridosha type and learnt how ... -
Courses Testimonial88
The course gave me a full explanation about the use of fresh and raw vegetables and fruits, the time of eating and how much to eat. Cooking to me was a complex process involving different spices with different oils and keeping an eye on the clock for pres ... -
Courses Testimonial87
I was a patient of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and backache. After doing the Sudarshan Kriya, my life has changed and after doing the Ayurvedic cooking course my health has improved very much within six days. We were taught how to adopt methods ... -
Courses Testimonial86
Initially, I found food cooked in the Ayurvedic style boring. But I was amazed to find that we can make delicious recipes without oil, sugar and spice. “On the third day of the course, my body started feeling good and light. My skin became more radiant as ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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