Wisdom Search

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  1. What is fear?

    Every seed has a membrane around it. That shell is there to protect the seed, but when you soak the seed in water, at some point the membrane breaks and the sprout come out of it. In the same way, fear is a mechanism around the life to protect it; at th ...
  2. This World Is An Illusion

    Happy Diwali to everybody! Diwali is a festival where you remind yourself of the importance of knowledge in life. When there is knowledge, there is no darkness. And when do you need knowledge? You need knowledge at the darkest time of life. When you are b ...
  3. The Quest Of Human Life

    Message from Iraq:My Gurudev of peace, before I say Babashed's (the spiritual father for the Yazidis) message to you who is the spiritual leader of Yazidis, we thank you for welcoming us and for getting us here. You have collected us together from all the ...
  4. Sometimes our elder in our homes asks us to do wrong things. How should we say no to them?

    Respecting elders does not mean that if elders tell you to do something wrong or ask you to steal something, then you do it. You should say no to it. Just say sorry to them and tell them that you can’t do any such wrong tasks. When you say ...
  5. Gurudev, when we chant a mantra continuously, will that mantra effect our body and life?

    Definitely! But we should not keep chanting continuously, this is not correct. Do you keep bathing continuously? When you chant the mantra for some time, your mind will become stronger. That is why it called mantra. We can do it for 20 - 30 min. If you ...
  6. How to face Rahu and Shani Mahadasha (astrological planetary positions that bring forth a very hard phase of time)?

    Don’t think that Rahu Dasha or Shani Dasha are bad. If you are on the spiritual path, and if you practice meditation, all these Dashas will do only good things to you. People think the Shani Dasha is very bad. Shani Dasha pushes you toward ...
  7. (A member of the audience asked a question relating to a talk given by Gurudev on 29 October 2016 which was inaudible)

    What is a lie? Something which keeps changing is called a lie. If you said something yesterday, and today you say something else, then that is called a lie. Now what is truth? Truth is that which is unaffected by time. Something ...
  8. What Is The Solution For Ego Clashes?

    What is the solution to an ego clash? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When egos are there, they do clash. There is no way out. When there is wisdom, you will rise above any small-minded attitude, bickering and judgements. You judge people all the time, and if you t ...
  9. Gurudev, I would like to be amicable with everyone but there are some people who always treat me like their enemy.

    Let them behave however they wish. Nothing in this world stays permanently anyway. People’s opinions keep changing all the time, and no emotions stays with the same intensity. Everything changes over a period of time. Let them be as they are. ...
  10. How to express now when words itself are misinterpreted and I am not understood?

    Don’t bother. If people misinterpret, it is their problem. You meditate and you improve your intuitive ability, then you will say the right words at the right time. ...