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  1. Why do we have to love a form to reach the formless? Hasn’t this whole idea distorted the truth and created more misconceptions rather than helping people find their path?

    Emotions can only flow towards the form. You cannot have emotions towards the formless.See, you can only communicate with me, you can’t communicate with the empty space next to me. If you say you are communicating with an emp ...
  2. Gurudev, I don’t get the things I want the most. Is my want an impediment?

    Have patience. Three things are needed to achieve what you want Real intention - There should be a real need to have whatever it is you want. Our wants keep changing, but if it is ...
  3. How to keep on loving without expecting. How is it possible? In love expectations arise and if not fulfilled, it hurts.

    Yes, you will have to go through these gymnastics. If you have wisdom, you don’t have to go through the pain to learn. When there is lack of wisdom, you go through pain, but you will come out of it in sometime, don’t worry. T ...
  4. There are people who have done The Art of Living course yet they exhibit such angry and egoistic behavior. How to manage these people?

    Suppose these people would never have done The Art of Living course, then how would they have been? They would have been much worse. Some people do The Art of Living course, but they do not practice the exercises after the course ends. If they d ...
  5. In quantum physics, there is the concept of quantum teleportation, which is similar to that in ancient days when Gurus used to disappear and reappear wherever they wanted to. Is the new algorithms of teleportation the same as how it was implemented in the ancient days?

    Yes, our subtle bodies can do that. In the subtle body, you can appear in many people's dreams at the same time. All that is possible. For the physical bodies, in theory, teleportation is possible because we are all just energy. If an image ...
  6. Dearest Gurudev, could you please tell us what is the relationship between Shiva and Krishna? Are they friends? Are they colleagues? If yes, is there any hierarchy among them?

    When you try to know any one of them, you will get to know both because they are one and the same. If there is a cup and I move the cup from here to there, is it the same space or has the space changed? It is the same, yet different, isn't i ...
  7. Gurudev, our true good actions might cause troubles to someone else. How do we handle the affected person?

    If your intentions are correct, then that is all that matters. See, a doctor also cuts open the stomach of a patient and a thief also puts a knife into someone. They both are using the knife on someone, but for very different causes. One is to k ...
  8. Dearest Gurudev, could you please tell us what is the relationship between Shiva and Krishna? Are they friends? Are they colleagues? If yes, is there any hierarchy among them?

    When you try to know any one of them, you will get to know both because they are one and the same. If there is a cup and I move the cup from here to there, is it the same space or has the space changed? It is the same, yet different, isn't i ...
  9. The Power Of Intention

    Paramātmā – Param is that which is beyond the Atma. Atma is the Self. Nobody can deny Atma. If I say I do not believe in anything, at least I believe in this sentence that I am saying. If someone says, "I do not believe in anything", that means he does no ...
  10. Gurudev, one has to make some effort in order to gain something in this world. Even on the spiritual path, one has to engage in seva and sadhana in order to make progress. Until I become enlightened, even seva is like some work for me and I seem to be tired. What do I do?

    See, when you get tired, just relax and meditate. You will go deeper into meditation then. We need to make meditation a part of our lifestyle. When you feel tired doing seva, relax and meditate for a while. When you become bored of meditating, t ...