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  1. How can true divine guidance be recognized from false guidance (of self proclaimed gurus and coaches)? Isn’t the Self your true guide?

    If your intention is to find the truth, you will find it. But if your intention is to get something quickly, then you can get trapped. Whenever such scandals come out, I only say one thing, "If you put water in a pot which is not baked, neither the ...
  2. Dearest Gurudev, are there any correlations between Kato Upanishad and Bardo Thodol of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, or are they two different ways to approach death?

    Kato Upanishad is an ancient text. And His Holiness Dalai Lama himself has said, "We consider Hinduism as the mother of Buddhism and it is through that that we have got our Tibetan Buddhism".So, it is from Hinduism that Buddhism has bran ...
  3. Gurudev, what is better, doing one’s daily spiritual practices, or doing smarana (remembering God), or just observing the thoughts as they come and go?

    You shouldn’t split it like that. What we do when we sit for meditation is we keep thinking about work. And when we are working, we want to go and rest. When you’re working give your 100%, and when you sit for meditation, just relax and reti ...
  4. Did Lord Ram and Devi Sita really exist?

    Yes, I know that they did exist. It was seven and a half thousand years ago. Recently, scientists through some of their research have confirmed that it (Ramayana) really did happen. You know, any story which is a lie cannot stay for a very long t ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, how to understand when to let things happen and when to put an effort to change it?

    Be spontaneous. If you make mistakes learn from them, and when you do something right, feel good about it. When you do something right, share it with others. When you do something wrong share that also with others. Tell them, "I made this mistake, ...
  6. You Are Not Your Thoughts

    (Below is a continuation of post Drop The Past) If I am the source of thoughts, then is there any difference between the source and the soul? If it is the same, do bad thoughts affect the soul? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, when do you realize that a thought ...
  7. Gurudev, when I travel from the Ashram to the City, I see a lot of cows eating from garbage bins. What can we do about this? I think this problem is seen all over the country.

    Yes, you are right, this problem is present all over the country. You all should visit our Garbage Transformation Mission department here. We have been actively working to educate the people all around us, not to throw plastic and reduce the use of p ...
  8. I wish to spend the rest of my life doing seva in the Ashram. Currently I teach Hindi in a school. The Ashram’s beautiful environment has stolen my heart completely. How can I serve here? Please guide.

    We have a Human Resources department here at the Ashram. If you are looking to find work, you can approach them for assistance. I consider the entire world to be my Ashram. For me, the Ashram is not limited by four walls and boundaries. What does ...
  9. Gurudev, please throw some light on inter-caste marriages. One of my friends is in love with a Muslim girl. Do we really need to follow the caste system in marriages?

    See, there are good and bad people everywhere. Many times there are fears that someone should not deceive the other person after the marriage is done. That is why you should also listen to your parents and consult them in such delicate matters. W ...
  10. Gurudev, can marriage happen between two people belonging to the same Gotra (a term in Hindu culture referring to the unbroken ancestral line of descents from a common male ancestor)?

    When I was touring Haryana this time, many scientists and people met me. They discussed very interesting and unique facts about this. They spoke about how they differentiate different breeds of cows and determine the genes a particular breed carries, on ...