On a green mission

Thu, 2011-11-10 (All day)

Sanju Soman, an 18-year-old BA Psychology student at SN College, Chempazhanthy, is behind the ‘drive’ and has been continuing his journey for the past six months. He takes a 26-kilometre to-and-fro cycle ride every day from the LMS Hostel in the city, where he resides, to the college on his ‘Hero Octane Altering Bike’. Sanju, who calls himself ‘’different from others’’, explains why he set out on an out-of-the ordinary ride. “It was the system in China that inspired me initially. There, in colleges, students use bicycles for their journeys. I am absolutely self-motivated. As my bike consumes no petrol, there will not be carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere.”

Sanju also wishes to extend his service to the society. He is an active member of ‘Yes Plus’, a wing of the Art of Living group. Asked whether any weight-loss happened after starting the cycle expedition, he smiles and says “only five kilograms in six months, as my love for yummy food is insatiable.” The big dream Sanju has is to take out an expedition from the city to Kochi, which he wishes to realise in the near future.

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