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Sun Salute Challenge for International Day of Yoga 2019 Inside Parliament Buildings

This year on the 21st June is the 5th United Nations International Day of Yoga which is celebrated globally.

The Art Of Living has supported the UN International Day of Yoga since its inception with various activities every year with the help of various other organisations around the world. New Zealand is launching the IDY Yoga Challenge this year and invites all to participate.


The Challenge

The IDY 2019 Yoga Challenge:

🔅Start with 3 sun salutations a day for 3 days.

🔅From day 4 we will start to add a round each day until we get to 21 rounds on day 24

🔅From day 24 to day 40 we will continue with 21 rounds of Sun Salutes.   

🔅Use the hashtag and share your journey #21SunSalutes40DayChallenge

🔅On Day 40 which is International Day of Yoga we will join with the house of Representatives in Parliament to perform the last 21 rounds together.

🔅Here is a demo Sun Salutations demo on how to do a single round of Sun Salutations.

The challenge includes taking a short video and sharing it on social media everyday with the hashtag #21SunSalutes40DayChallenge

🧘‍♀️You can join the challenge anytime, just post your videos with the hashtag.


Celebrate IDY Inside Parliament 21st June 2019

Ginny Anderson MP will host the Art of Living Foundation along with other yoga enthusiasts to complete the Yoga challenge for its last day inside Parliament with other parliamentarians and the House of Representatives