The period between 18-25 years is a crucial phase of life when the personality is developed, molded and groomed. It is also a phase of curiosity and vulnerability prone to confusion, turbulence and stress. Those above 18 want to be 18 again, while all those below 18 want to be 18 soon. Only the ones who are 18 don’t want to be 18.
“Why not grasp this magical and vulnerable phase of life and groom it to an amazing lifestyle?” thought Khurshed Batliwala and Dinesh Ghodke, graduates from the Indian Institute of Technology and senior trainers with The Art of Living. So, with the inspiration of Gurudev, they designed a course that would draw out the ultimate potential of the youth. They declared that the course would be one they would have enjoyed when they were impossible teenagers. Well, the course had a big, bang launch in November 2006 and the rest is history.