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FAQs on Sudarshan Kriya
Michael Fischman: During the Art of Living Basic Course there is a lot of focus on the breath. Why is that? Gurudev: Our breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between the inner world of the mind and the outer wo ... -
Sudarshan Kriya- Love myself
Former director of Los Angeles County, V.A.P Anger Management Program, Camp Michael Smith, Camp Francis Scobee “Wards who entered camp with their hard, angry composures and delinquent attitudes were transformed by the end of one week into happy, smiling y ... -
Sudarshan Kriya- Love myself
Being a youth I’ve undergone so many challenges and so many times it resulted in being depressed, angry... it’s all so confusing at this age... but when I did the Sudarshan Kriya it changed all this. Once upon a time I would just criticize myself so much ... -
Sudarshan Kriya- Absolute freedom from stress
When I did the Sudarshan Kriya, I felt such absolute freedom – all anxieties, thoughts, stresses gone. I had never felt such exhilaration in my life before. And I’ve found that with practice of the kriya, this state enters my regular life more and more. ... -
Sudarshan Kriya- More confidence
“For me, this program is really an experience to see how the impossible becomes possible. I used to be a person who became easily overwhelmed by positive or negative emotions. Having regularly started practicing my breathing techniques I really feel the d ... -
Sudarshan Kriya- Improved academic & co-curricular performance
My concentration has really improved. I started managing my time more effectively so that I could give enough time for my other co-curricular activities. The interactive activities and practical knowledge of the self have made me blossom in all aspects, a ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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