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  1. Environment Testimonial 4

    Deepening Roots Being around such passionate, committed people gave me a sense of real community, that I was a part of a larger network which shared my values and vision. ...
  2. Environment Testimonial 3

    2009 participant I never thought I would have a spiritual practice I would absolutely make a point of including in my life, and now I do. ...
  3. Environment Testimonial 1

    2009 participant I feel I have broken down any barrier between knowledge and action when it comes to gardening ...
  4. Environment Testimonial 2

    2009 participant, current DR Intern How did this internship make you feel? Off the charts! What more can I say, I want to learn more, do more and see more ...
  5. Water Conservation 3

     Our further plan is to organize competitions, road shows, plays to create awareness in the public. We need to unite as responsible citizens of the country & support the government rather than blaming it for all the problems of the nation. We should a ...
  6. Water Conservation 2

    It’s time we clean up the mess we've created. It’s time we make it so clean we can have picnics, play aquatic sports and meditate there. It’s time that we take responsibility and do what people call "impossible!" ...
  7. Water Conservation 1

     It was a moment of utmost pride and nostalgia, to see thousands and thousands of people, of all castes, religion and gender, come together to save what is rightfully and dutifully theirs, Yamuna. Though, by cleaning up the Ghats, does not mean we can now ...
  8. Deepening Roots 7

     Since the summer program I have been involved with two local community gardens and I have been working with the office of sustainability at my University. Everything has been inspired by the internship. That was the most amazing summer. ...
  9. Deepening Roots 6

     Deepening Roots gave me the confidence and energy to make a real difference. This internship changed me from a person who worried about the environment and social issues to someone who can work effectively for positive change.  During the year following ...