Navratri is considered as very auspicious for the chanting of stotrams, in praise of the Devi and to seek her blessings. Reverberating of stotrams will have a profound effect on the seeker as it calms the mind and creates a pathway for deep meditation.

The nine days of Navaratri, “are nine days of inner connection to the Divinity,” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. (Need to be highlighted in a box)
It is believed chanting helps to activate the energy centers in the body known as chakras. This, in turn, elevates the concentration levels and learning abilities of the seeker. For nine celebrative and colorful days and nights, as a seeker, it is best to set aside those daily concerns and participate in spiritual awakening techniques such as chants, meditation, puja, and listening to imparted knowledge.
To make this Navratri a little more special, let us take a closer look into the meaning and benefits of the three most chanted lyrical stotrams (hymns of praise), sung to invoke the grace and blessings of the Mother Divine.