Service Initiatives

A partial list of service initiatives include:

Girl Child Education

Funds accrued during IWC were dedicated to providing scholarships to 500 girl children who attend VVMVP schools across tribal and rural areas of India.

VISTA, India

Women Welfare

VISTA is an independent non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting poverty and gender related injustice in India, specifically targeting marginalized women to empower them.

India’s Missing Daughters

Campaign Against Female Foeticide

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, joined more than 36 religious and spiritual leaders, representatives from government, civil society and the media to launch a nation-wide campaign that drew thousands against the practice of female selective abortions.


AIDS Awareness

HARA Program, started in 2009, promotes HIV/AIDS awareness among rural communities, and helps women with HIV/AIDS achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Peanut Butter Project


82 out of 797 women formed a group to start a small scale peanut butter production and manufacturing factory.

Mission Green Earth 2020

Mission Green Earth 2020 is an initiative that seeks to plant 10 million trees around the world and nurture them till they self-sustain, to restore biodiversity, leading to a measurable impact.

The International Women’s Conference (IWC) aims to enhance the global impact of women’s work by arranging a platform for dialogue and information sharing. The Conference also integrated The Art of Living’s individual empowerment program with tailored social initiatives designed by the International Association for Human Values (IAHV).

IWC is designed to complement ongoing Art of Living and IAHV initiatives. Examples of these initiatives are mentioned below. Get more information on the Art of Living’s women’s empowerment initiatives. Art of Living’s Women’s Empowerment Initiatives.

When you train a woman, you help the entire family, community and nation.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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