Ms. Emanuela Pallazani
The 2010 World Economic Forum in Davos presented a Global Risk Report structure in a 10 year forecast for 50 prevalent global risks, and water supply has been accessed as the top five and second as the impact. So we could say that water is a market for the future. In fact, water of adequate quality and sufficient quantities is one of the major challenges facing modern society. In many countries, the available water reserves are being over exploited to such an extent that the negative consequences can no longer be ignored.
The development of the water market is being shaped by four mega trends – global population growth; infrastructure; water quality; climate change. So dealing with the economic and environmental climate change to achieve corporate sustainability has become an increasingly crucial factor.
Her organization supports eco-friendly technologies that help save water.
In this endeavour women play an important role. Every one of us has the responsibility to protect the environment and to achieve great targets in this business.
Sound Bites
- How does one encourage the use of eco-friendly technologies? 215 litres of water is consumed per day per person in Europe and 40% of this is consumed is for basin use. So, if we take a town with 250,000 inhabitants, it means nearly 1.5 million cube-metres saved just by using the right product. So this is the combination between the business and ecology.
IWC 2012 Reflection