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Sometimes our elder in our homes asks us to do wrong things. How should we say no to them?
Respecting elders does not mean that if elders tell you to do something wrong or ask you to steal something, then you do it. You should say no to it. Just say sorry to them and tell them that you can’t do any such wrong tasks. When you say ... -
Gurudev, I have come for my teachers training program and all my friends think that now that I have come to the Guru, I will go away from them, and I also have a little fear that I might lose the connection with my family and friends.
Here, connections are only strengthened, never broken. Tell them that we will bring all of them also here. Tell them not to worry. Yes if there are any bad habits in your friend circles, then that will definitely break away. If they were drinking with y ... -
My family and boyfriend don’t understand spirituality and The Art of Living. Should I move on from my boyfriend and family, and create something better and lighter?
Yes, this is a challenge. Have some patience and see how you can make them understand, and also get them to get a taste of it. Use your skills to communicate what you feel, and how spirituality is so good for you and others. There are many peopl ... -
Who am I? Why do I need to care for my husband, my children and my family? What if my children do not take care of me when I grow old?
Listen, if your own parents though this way about you, can you imagine where you would have been today?See, it is good that you ask this question, “Who am I?” You should keep this question with yourself. This question helps you move ah ... -
Dear Gurudev, I am really worried about my family. They are caught up in a dark world of lies, manipulation and money. I have had to completely break contact with them and it breaks my heart. They do not listen to me and I see bad consequences in store for them. It is hard to watch all this. Do you have any advice?
First of all, don’t cut-off from them. At least don’t give them the feeling that you don’t care about them and are cut-off from them. That is not going to help them. It is your innate nature to help and you want to help them. For some ... -
Gurudev, is there any significance or purpose of giving birth to a child, or life to a soul for a woman except for my personal feelings of becoming a mother or that of giving my parents the joy of becoming grandparents?
I think your question has no relevance. If you want to be a mother, then that is your choice. Now instead of being a mother, if you want to be a godmother for many children, then that too is your choice. Motherliness is inevitable, and everybody has i ... -
Gurudev, I try communicating with my father, I try to talk to him but he acts freaky. He gets high and creates chaos. I do not know what to do and how to communicate with him. I know he is in lot of pain and problem which is why he is not able to communicate with me or anyone. What do I do?
Win him over with love.You know sometime you should walk the same path as the ones who create chaos and then slowly make them understand and change.Just do this, do not oppose him for two days and do whatever he says. Give him so much love that ... -
I have no family, what can I do to feel less alone?
Come on, I’ve given you such a big family, a true family and a family that really cares for you. Never think you have no family, I am your family. That is why I come here for Christmas and New Year every year. Why should I come otherwise?! ... -
You just said that alcohol is the main reason behind the Delhi gang rape case. But today, there have been cases of young girls being raped by their own fathers. In those cases, it is not just alcohol. What is the bigger problem?
Correct, it is not alcohol which is the main reason behind this case. Sex offenders have primarily three issue. One is hormone issues, where there could be some serious hormonal imbalances in them. Second is emotional disturbances. The person must ... -
How does the Karma of our parents and ancestors affect us? Are we also punished because of their bad karmas?
Listen, if your ancestor has left you a house, is it not a boon for you now? Why are you asking such obvious questions?! They have earned a lot of money, toiled and built a home and they left it to you. You are enjoying their karma, is it not?! And if ...