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Gurudev, what is the role of death on one’s spiritual journey?
Every moment dying to the past! Unless you die every moment, you can’t live in the present. ... -
In Mahabharata, even Arjuna could not get heaven. How come Kaurava got heaven even after doing wrong things?
Well, you know, whenever people die they say, "Swargvaas ho gaya", means he has gone to heaven. This is one way to tell that someone has departed from this world. Not that they are all gone to heaven, but it is a term used.'May their sou ... -
Gurudev, what happens when we die?
Why do you want to know? I don’t want you to feel bored afterwards. It’s like knowing everything about a movie before you go for it, then there is no thrill in it. Have some suspense. There is so much to know about life. If we don&rsqu ... -
Everybody is scared of death. What should we do to reach a state where we can accept death happily?
Now be with the life, we will see about death later, when it comes. When there is devotion, knowledge and meditation, all these fears drop. Look at all the Gods, they are all depicted in Abhayahasta mudra (position of the hand gesturing reassurance). Th ... -
Why do young and good people die before old people? Is it karma?
This is one of the five eternal secrets. You don’t ask me -- 'Why do unripe fruits fall off trees', or 'Why do buds fall out without blossoming'. It is a part of nature. Let us do all that we can to prevent such things, like the ga ... -
Gurudev, how does one release a deep seeded fear of death?
First of all, don’t think that fear is deep seeded. What is deep seeded is love and fear cannot be as deep as love, fear is only the circumference. There is an intense sensation and if you go deep into that sensation then on the other end you ... -
Can we alter our time of death by taking better care of ourselves and by praying. Or when it’s time to go, no one can alter that?
This is a mystery. There is a possibility to extend life if the soul desires it. But that should be an innate desire from the soul and not from someone else. Sometimes, someone else’s desire can also work, but that is only sometimes. This ... -
Knowing that everything would be finished one day, makes me feel very disturbed. How do I come out of it?
The temporary nature of things around you should enable you to calm down, and settle in deeper within yourself. It is good if it disturbs you, if it wakes you up from your slumber (of ignorance). But I tell you, hold on to it and go deep within. You ... -
Gurudev, different people have different theories of what happens after death. Will we remember what we did in this life after death? If not, what is the point of doing anything?
Tell me, what breakfast did you have on May 29, 2014? You don’t remember? (Mischievously) So what is the point of having breakfast then?! (huge laughter from the crowd)See, in life, we do many things. We don’t have to rem ... -
As I am getting old, I have started fearing death? Please suggest a solution for this.
Death can come at anytime in one’s life. As long as we were busy in many activities in our lives, we are not afraid of death. When there is nothing left to do, we start to feel that we are going to die. Everyone has to die one day. But the ...