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Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of Ramrajya, and said that when women can walk the streets alone at midnight, that is when India would have gotten real freedom?
Where ever there is knowledge there is Ramrajya. Where ever there is ignorance then there is Rakshasrajya! Understand! ... -
Gurudev, I feel like a puppet in the hands of the Divine, due to Karma, sickness, pain, old age and death. Where is my freedom?
When you have this deep realization that none of this is you – be it sickness, pain, old age or death, then that is freedom. This afternoon when we all meditated, so many people felt relieved of body aches and pains, isn’t it? ... -
When should one stop engaging with the world and be free completely?
While engaging in the world you should feel the freedom.When you sit for meditation that is when you should completely disengage from the world. And when you come back to activity, then you should have keen awareness. Develop that mindfulness and ke ... -
Gurudev, in the Yogasutra, it is said, yoga is the restraint of the Chitta (consciousness). How can restraining the mind or memory bring freedom?
It’s the mind that causes bondage. It’s the mind which clings on to things, or clings on to the dreams. Even after you wake up, the palpitation is happening in the body, because you had a nightmare. But when the mind realizes that it’s ... -
Dear Gurudev, if God in the end is the doer, then how come a living being is responsible for karma, or results of action?
See, doership goes with enjoyership. If you are not the doer, you are not also experiencing the consequence. You can’t say, ‘I am not the doer; God made me eat more food but I am having a tummy ache.’ I would say, 'God is having the tummy ache. Where ... -
Gurudev, you said there is freedom in giving away your rights, and nobody can take away what is yours. Now, if somebody takes away my rights to something, should I just wait believing that it is mine and it will come back to me, or should I fight?
First of all, if you believe someone has taken away your rights, you should correct your thinking. If it is your right, no one can take it away from you. You should stand up and take your rights. This I have said in Hindi: Drop your sense of autho ... -
I think freedom is very relative. Sometimes my freedom is contradictory to someone else's freedom. Is there something as 'Absolute Freedom'? Or would that be chaos?
Bondage and freedom, both happens in the mind, and when your vision is restricted you find multiple bondages. As your vision expands, you start realizing that there is only freedom. ... -
Gurudev, you said that the knowledge of sleep brings freedom. What does this mean?
Knowledge of sleep and dreams can take you into a different state of samadhi. It is one of the techniques mentioned in the Yoga Sutras by Rishi Patanjali. Maharishi Patanjali has said the sutra, 'Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va' This is one of the samadh ... -
Gurudev, please tell me about Moksha.
Whatever desires you have in life, finish them before you die. There should be one moment when you feel, ‘I don't want anything’ – This is Moksha. There is no need to die to attain Moksha. Before you die you should feel contended. ... -
Gurudev, they say that one cannot attain heaven without dying. Is it necessary to die to attain Moksha (liberation)?
Who said so? If while living you could not experience heaven then how will you experience it after death? Even after death you will not experience it. If while living you could not learn to smile, to be happy and joyful, then what will you learn afte ...