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Gurudev, my children have brought home a puppy, and every time I touch the puppy I feel I have to take a bath before I say my prayers. I am now fed up with having to bathe so many times. What should I do?
(Laughter) It is not necessary to keep on bathing like this. You need to be clean but you can just wash your hands before you say your prayers, that is good enough. Dogs are also a part of God. We don’t bathe for God, we bathe so that we are clean ... -
What is the significance of pujas, homas, yagnas, and chanting in today's life?
All of these have their significance. There are two types of knowledge - Para Vidya and Apara Vidya. Apara Vidya includes homas, yagnas, and mantras (chants) and Para Vidya includes meditation and grace. Death can be postpo ... -
If Lord Shiva is the Adhipati (ruler) of all the Navagrahas (the nine planets), why is it that each Graha is invoked and honoured in every pooja?
Your body has different parts, isn't it? And you have a foot cream and face cream. You don’t apply your foot cream on your face, or your face cream on your feet. Hair oil is different and body oil is different. You don’t say that you will no ... -
If Lord Shiva is the Adhipati (ruler) of all the Navagrahas (the nine planets), why is it that each Graha is invoked and honoured in every pooja?
Your body has different parts, isn't it? And you have a foot cream and face cream. You don’t apply your foot cream on your face, or your face cream on your feet. Hair oil is different and body oil is different. You don’t say that you will no ... -
Is it compulsory to light a lamp in the pooja room?
No, it is not compulsory. It is your choice. You be a light to yourself. Our body is like the wick and consciousness is the light, that is important. But it is nice to keep a little ritual at home, lighting a lamp or doing some ritual creates an ... -
What is puja?
The word 'Pu' means fullness, and 'Ja' means that which is born out of fullness. So puja means that which is born out of fullness. And what you get out of doing puja is also fullness, and contentment. Doing -
Dear Gurudev, when we shouldn’t get stuck with the five senses, why do we light a diya, incense sticks and offer flowers while doing pooja?
See, you can make all these offering, and you can do none of these as well. A pooja can happen just in your meditation. These practices are a tradition, and it creates an atmosphere so people have been doing it.Let us suppose that ther ... -
(Arpine Galfayan: Human rights activist from Armenia) Q: Dear Gurudev, in almost all religious institutions and practices, women are not allowed to represent the word of god. Even if women are not considered something evil or secondary, still women cannot be priests and conduct poojas. So the question is, do you consider this to be an unfair practice? Do you see the need of changing it, and if so, how?
You know, I am a rebel in this field. I say women have equal right as men, and here (in the Ashram), we say women can all do poojas. Women can participate in all rituals, and be priests as well. You have the right, you can do it. Nowhere, at least in ... -
Gurudev, what exactly happens to you when you go into bhaav?
I don’t know! That is all I can say. ... -
Gurudev, the month of Shravan has begun. What is the importance of the Rudra Puja during this month?
If you read the scriptures, you will find that every month has its own importance. Every month is good and auspicious in its own way. . There is a lot of rain during the Shravan month. During this time you should sit, meditate and reflect about God. ...