(Below is a continuation of post The Company Of The Truth)
See, there are two points to understand in this context:
1. The field of spirituality where one speaks of God as the eternal all-pervading Divinity. In Spirituality we lay importance upon the spirit, and on the One Divinity, so there is no talk about idols as such
2. At another level, which is called Adidaivik (the realm of various gods, goddesses and celestial beings), we do give importance to various gods and goddesses. For example, when the Ganesh festival time comes, we all install a new idol of Lord Ganesha in our homes
Then there is another level called as Adibhautik (the realm of the material or gross Creation), where we perform all our actions, such as eating and drinking, doing seva, etc. So the Adidaivik level is far more subtle than the Adibhautik or the material one where one is concerned with materialistic prosperity and abundance.
When one abandons the spiritual realm, then one cannot experience fulfilment in the other two realms. That is why when we chant the peace mantra, we say Shanti (Peace) three times, to indicate peace and fulfilment at all the three levels. When you move ahead in life with spirituality, then it also contributes to progress in the other two realms.
For example, one way is to see everything as made up of the same thing. So you can say that everything is ultimately made of wood, so you can burn anything and it is ultimately wood that is being burnt (here implying an underlying oneness of Consciousness in all Creation). At another level there is a difference between every object. Even though they are made of wood, a chair cannot be considered as a table, a table cannot be considered as a door, a door is not the same as a bed, and so on. Do you get what I’m saying?
There are no rules as such. You can wear it or not. It is said that its vibrations are positive so it is good to wear it. If you have strong faith in it, you can definitely wear it.
See, I always say that your spirit is much more powerful than the Rudraksh. So have faith in that. Your Sankalpa (intense or sincere desire) has much more power than any mantra or medicine or remedy. Everything has its own place and benefits. The benefits of Rudraksh have been spoken about since many ages. But do not think that only by wearing it will you be able to achieve what you want. Even if you relax and chant Om Namaha Shivaya, then that also helps. Your consciousness is far more stronger than this.
See, desire is always in search of happiness or knowledge. When one’s desire is directed towards a person, or an object, or some desired situation, then the moment you get something better, your desire will start running in that direction (meaning that desires are always for more happiness and without an end).
This is alright. Such instances remind us that our Consciousness is very old and has existed much longer than what we may think. Just today itself, I got a text message on my cellphone in which it was said that – scientists today say that every cell and particle of our body is actually millions and millions of years old. So it is quite true.
See, when you face challenges, all that you need to do is look at the sensation that is produced.
When the mind is stuck in a whirlpool, then at that time three things will help you: 1. Unshakeable faith that someone out there cares very deeply for you, loves you, will help you and will not let you down
2. Sadhana (the spiritual practices that you do)
3. The spiritual knowledge that you have gained
The practices, knowledge and unshakeable faith – these three will help you in such times.