My son or daughter is encountering emotional problems. Can you help?
Teenage depression is of great concern today. The suicide rate in teenagers has tripled since 1970. Statistics show that slightly over 50% of those students suffering from acute depression in their teenage years go on to attempt suicide at a later date. Dr. Pepper notes, “Paying attention to children who are depressed or anxious becomes a national priority.” In a study of childhood depression, Dr. Richard Harrington (July 2000) notes that depression “could be associated with effects of social and cognitive functioning” and that “symptoms such as loss of concentration and psychomotor retardation may interfere with the process of learning. This in turn might lead to low self esteem, a reduced sense of academic competence and further academic failure.”
Another study of adolescent and childhood disorders notes that the price of non-treatment is the tendency to “self-medicate” depression or anxiety by using drugs or alcohol. Since the majority of stress factors affecting youth in schools today parallel the psychosocial difficulties noted by research consistent with depressed youth, and because the rate of depression in youth is increasing, any serious educational endeavor must address these issues. Three open studies have shown that Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) can significantly improve depression. Refer to medical summary page. “73% of patients showed improvement following SKY (techniques) therapy. Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) was effective in depression regardless of the severity of depression or the severity of the patient’s biological dysfunction.
(Refer to Art of Living Foundation, Sudarshan Kriya Medical Research Summary Page for references of studies