From Darkness To Light

Sun, 01/11/2015 Mumbai, India

(Below is a continuation of the post We Chant for Global Peace & Happiness)

Many politicians and government officials holding high posts are also with us here today.
There are four important pillars of any democracy:
1. Dharma. This includes both spirituality and (religious) faith-based organizations. It is the foremost pillar that can sustain any society 2. Politics
3. Media and
4. Business, trade & Commerce
No nation can have complete and holistic growth if all these four pillars do not grow together.

With regular chanting, your body becomes strong, your mind becomes calm, your behavior becomes harmonious, your relationships become better and your communication also improves tremendously.

There has been a new wave (of governance) in the country. It is a very positive transformation for the country. It marks an important change in the politics of the country.
The field of spirituality and religion too has seen many changes in recent years. You must have seen on television how many false religious leaders have been caught. People have become so aware about all these things and are moving away from such people.
This is very unfortunate, because the spiritual field is of great importance, and when there is a fall in the respect and honor of the field of spirituality, it affects the morale and self confidence of the people.
It is the spiritual field that plays a very big role in uplifting the society. It is the spiritual field that helps uphold 'faith' in people; faith in themselves, faith in the society and ultimately faith in the divine. So the work of the spiritual field is also very important for a healthy society.

In the same way, when the Trade and Commerce of the country becomes free from corruption, then it can truly prosper and contribute to the growth of the economy. And when the Media is free from prejudices and wrong influences, it can give a proper direction to the country, rather than simply being a source of entertainment.
So when all these four work together in collaboration and with proper coordination, then our country will surely be one of the most progressive countries of the world.

There is something truly special about Maharashtra. Somehow you all just pull me towards coming here at the time of Makar Sankranti (the harvest festival).
So I have to come here to say, “Tilgul ghyaa gud-gud bola” (Meaning: have a sweet and also speak sweet words. This is a traditional greeting exchanged during the festival of Makar Sankranti).
In Maharashtra there is a custom of gifting sesame seeds, sweets and jaggery at the time of Makar Sankranti, and this has been the tradition since many years.

Each one of us is like a flute. When we get rid of all negativity and become hollow and empty from within, then a divine harmony starts to play and resonate from our being.

You know, tomorrow there is another amazing event going to take place in Nasik. More than 5000 flutists will come together on one stage to play various symphonies and this will create another entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.
5000 years ago, there was a divine flute that was played in this land (referring to Lord Krishna’s time and His playing the flute). The melodious sounds of that divine flute are still present and resonate all across our country through the skies, and in the hearts of people. Now after 5000 years, more than 5000 artists will gather on one stage to create a symphony of harmonies and it will happen here in Maharashtra. This is a very unique and unparalleled event. You all can watch it tomorrow via live telecast on your TV, and there will be a webcast too.
In the beginning, some 4000 people had registered for participating in the event, but very soon the numbers grew to more than 5000. I told the organizers to accept all the artists who were willing to register and not leave anyone out.

Each one of us is like a flute. When we get rid of all negativity and become hollow and empty from within, then a divine harmony starts to play and resonate from our being. Then the entire space and environment around us becomes melodious. All the rhythms and sounds of our life come together in a blissful harmony. You all must remember this.

People of Maharashtra have developed a habit of creating such amazing World Records one after another. I heartily congratulate the people of Maharashtra for this achievement. In the past, you had organized Taal Ninaad where 3000 Tabla artists came together to play the Tabla together (an Indian Drum instrument).
Then we also had Antarnaad in Pune, where more than 2500 classical singers sharing one stage to sing Indian Classical songs.
We also had Abhang Naad in Kolhapur where many classical artistes came together to sing Abhangs (Devotional songs).
So Maharashtra truly has a unique identity of its own. You all must keep up this good work and uphold the culture of "Tilgul ghyaa Gud-Gud bola”. Let there be sweetness in one’s voice and also in one’s heart.
In the Vedas too, we have a prayer where we ask that the entire atmosphere becomes sweet and positive all around us. When there is sweetness in the heart and in your voice, then everyone will belong to you and you will see that no one appears a stranger to you. This is the unique specialty about India and it is also India’s message to the world. So you can take it as a message or as an order, but you all must strive to bring that sweetness and harmony in life.

To conclude, I would say that we should commit ourselves towards building a better world for everyone. Let us work towards gifting a better world to the younger generation – a world which is free from pollution, crime and corruption, and which is full of abundance. They deserve it!

You all have gained so much strength and positivity from the chanting that we just did today, and you should continue this at your own home also. You can chant the mantras from any religion or scripture that you like. You will find that with regular chanting, your body becomes strong, your mind becomes calm and positive and your behavior becomes harmonious. Your relationships with people improves and become better. Your communication also improves tremendously.
When your heart blossoms, all your questions and botherations simply disappear. Many people who come to meet me tell me, “Gurudev, I think and plan of so many things to ask you about, but the moment I meet you, I simply forget all those questions and all my problems”.
I tell them, “Oh that’s good! I am saved!” (Laughter)
We must turn a question into a wonder and bring a new transformation in our life. We should practice seva, sadhana and satsang regularly and should have a strong sense of patriotism and dedication for our country. With this sincere intention in our mind, let us all move ahead in life.

All that I have said from the beginning to this moment is my message to you. To conclude, I would say that we should commit ourselves towards building a better world for everyone. I know that we are already committed to this, but today let us renew our pledge towards this mission and towards making life a celebration on this planet.
Let us work towards gifting a better world to the younger generation – a world which is free from pollution, crime and corruption, and which is full of abundance. They deserve it! We need to give a better society, a better country and a better world to our coming generations.

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