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The Consciousness as Chitta and Buddhi (Subconscious mind and Intellect)
This consciousness, which has become the brain, which has become the inner faculties or organs, is of immense power. One thought came in the mind to make a television and that thought manifested as television. All possible advancement in any field today, ... -
20 Quotes On Meditation That will Change the Way You See Meditation
Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation. Being in a state o ... -
Mind is Like a River
Q: Gurudev, I happened to meet an American diplomat who has been on the spiritual path for 40-45 years. He said that some saints have visions of a kingdom of God, which is blue. Millions of souls are hovering around to get inside the kingdom of God, but t ... -
Meditation is Deep Rest
Q: Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013)) Gurudev: Meditat ... -
Intuitive Awareness Increases With Meditation
Q: How can one live one’s life without self-inflicted guilt and the guilt inflicted by others on us? Gurudev: You are in the right place. Just know this, guilt is like the dust on our clothes, or on our skin. So what do you do? You wash it with a little s ... -
What Is Meditation?
Did you know, meditation was the tool that sages in ancient times used to access the vast knowledge resource of Ayurveda. It is an ancient system of natural and holistic medicine that has stood the test of time. Meditation is the source of all creativity ... -
Deep Rest With Meditation
Meditation is not an act; it is the art of doing nothing! The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm and serene and is at peace, meditation happens. When the mind ... -
Questions on Meditation
Q-1: How to quiet the voice inside my head while meditating? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are several things you can do about it. First is accepting it and not fighting with it. You fight with it and feel that you should not have this noise. The mo ... -
A Secret to Being a Good Manager
For a good manager, it is important to be in the present moment with patience and poise! If you are intelligent, you may not be able to bear the lack of intelligence in others. The management profession requires dealing with diverse situations and people. ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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