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Inhale Peace, Exhale Crime
Along the activity-filled lanes of resettlement colonies in Delhi, the police reported a phenomenal decrease in the rates of crime and violence. Seelampur, Shadhara, Gokulpuri, Nand Nagri, Jafarabad, were once the hub of criminal activities including juve ... -
A Call to End the Caste War
Bihar, India Bihar, a state in India with a rich heritage and abundant natural resources, has been reeling from caste wars, social divisions, and a disrupted educational system. Gurudev has met with members of Bihar's warring factions and held dialog ... -
Antidote to Corruption
You can be a part of the Art of Living's effort to root out corruption from India Antidote to Corruption A lack of connectedness or belongingness breeds corruption in society. Read more Civil society demands an effective anti-corruption agency Read ... -
Venezuela meditates
Breathing techniques to become a part of Venezuela’s social wellness program For the first time breathing techniques and meditation will become a part of the social wellness program in Venezuela, thanks to the initiatives of the government and some enterp ... -
After violence, Arab youth experience a wave of peace
“Six days gave 95 Arab students a chance to broaden their vision and feel that change can happen through positivity and peace rather than violence as we witnessed recently all throughout the Arab world.” This remark was made by Christian Matta, an Art of ... -
Breath: a tool to conflict resolution
The first workshop organized by The Center for Dialogue among Civilizations in May saw a mix of reformers and decision makers from different walks of life. Former politicians, presidents of countries, bureaucrats catalyzing change for global solutions in ... -
Quelling Communal Fire
Godhra Riots (India, 2002) Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been at the forefront of proactive action to foster communal harmony in India. When communal riots broke out between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, he not only rushed a team of volunteers ... -
Easing Tensions in a Disputed Land
Amarnath Land Dispute (2008) Gurudev helped resolve religious tensions and violence that had escalated over the Amarnath land dispute in Kashmir, Northern India. Amarnath Shrine, in Muslim dominated Kashmir, is an important Hindu pilgrimage site. Yet it l ... -
Resolving a Deadlock Between the Government and the People
Sri Sri mediates between agitating Gujjars, state government To provide solace to the protesting Gujjars, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar met 50,000 members of the Gujjar community on the rail tracks of Pilukapura, Rajasthan on June 10, 2008. Significantly, it was ... -
Sri Lanka: Strengthening the foundations of dialogue and peace
Since 2004, Gurudev has constructively engaged with the Government of Sri Lanka, Parliamentarians and the erstwhile Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to resolve the Sri Lankan conflict. The conclusion of the war in May 2009 saw the continuation of h ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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