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Gurudev, I tend to think a lot about my future, my exams and their outcome and it always leads me to depression. How do I come out of this compulsive thinking?
Know that every failure is a step towards success. Do you know that all those people who are now leading large corporate houses had suffered many failures in their early days? The ones who have started some of these large IT companies, in the early days ... -
Gurudev, meditation does not seem to come to my mind, and this makes me even more anxious. How do I deal with this?
Meditation makes you anxious? Then you are not doing it right! Today, I don’t know what all is done in the name of meditation. There are so many schools of thought on yoga, meditation; so many things are prevalent. As a result, the Government of I ... -
How can I overcome social anxiety and memories of embarrassing thoughts?
Just embrace the thoughts. If you fight with them you are giving life to them, but if you just hug them, they will disappear. Remember your mind is like fire. ... -
Why do I worry so much? I am unable to continue doing anything consistently for a long period of time. There is a lack of consistency. What should I do?
Come on, this is a story of the past. Wake up now, and resolve that 'I am not going to worry'. Invoke the valour inside you. If you find it difficult to do so, I would suggest that you practice Bhastrika and do the Sudarshan Kriya.Do you f ... -
Gurudev, how do we manage stress and anxiety?
Keep smiling as you are doing now. Don’t hold on to stress and anxiety. If you don’t hold on to it, then there is no question of managing it.What is a Guru and ashram for? Leave all your anxieties, pray, have faith and move on. If ...