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Gurudev, tell us about the New Year, is it a good year?
Yes, it is a good year. This year is called The Year of Victory. Good will prevail over the bad. Wise will prevail over the wicked. All those who are doing wrong things, cheating people, they will all go out. It is time for good to pre ... -
What is special in 2012?
You know for us every day is special, every year is special. According to the Hindu calendar, the next year is called ‘nanda’. ‘Nanda’ means happiness. The year of ‘Ananda’. The past year which ends on March 23rd, is called ‘khara’. ‘Khara’ means for ... -
When Celebration becomes Service, there is no guilt. When Service becomes Celebration, there is no pride
The time on this planet for us is a gift. When we consider time as a gift, our whole outlook towards life shifts. Like every year, 2011 also has offered you many gifts. With its thorns, it has made you strong; with its petals, it has given you joy. Any ev ... -
Learn and unlearn from the past: Become free
Every year, we begin the New Year wishing others happiness and prosperity. What is the sign of prosperity? The sign of prosperity is freedom, a smile and the willingness to share with people around you, without fear. The sign of prosperity is the trust an ... -
7 mantras to a prosperous life in 2012- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
. Time and again, reflect on your life in relation to the cosmos. It is not even a drop in the ocean. This awareness will simply drop all the smallness in you and you will be able to live every moment of your life. 2. Remind yourself of the highest goal ...