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  1. Gurudev, all the great saints and enlightened Masters consider Tyaag (sacrifice) and Vairagya (dispassion) as the means to attaining Moksha (final liberation). Is the desire for Moksha not a kind of greed or desire after all?

    Yes, it is true that intense desire or greed for Moksha is also a kind of desire ultimately, but that is the final and the last desire that one has to let go of. One needs to cultivate or have this desire for Moksha to overcome and drop al ...
  2. Gurudev, how can I know whether what I am experiencing is because of my Karmas from my past lives, or is it because of my actions in the present life?

    Whether the action is from a past life, or something done 10 years back, or done just yesterday, or even 10 minutes back – it really does not matter. Ultimately, all Karma is Karma, that’s it. That is why it is said that the wa ...
  3. Gurudev, I have heard that meditation helps to unravel or unlock the granthi (knots representing energy centres or nodes) in the navel region. And when the energy centre of the navel region opens up, only then can the individual soul (Atma) rise to unite with the Paramatma (Divinity or Super soul). I wish to understand more about this. Please explain.

    It is correct. As we meditate, the knot or the energy centre in the navel region opens up. When the heart centre blossoms and opens up, we feel joy. We experience different sensations and emotions only when the different energy centres of the body open ...
  4. I try to forget the mistakes I made in the past and move ahead. But the people around me keep reminding me of those past mistakes. What should I do? Sri

    Smile and move forward. If they are not able to forget the mistakes of the past, then that is their problem. You should forget the mistakes of the past, just drop it and move ahead. You are not the same person as you were in the past when you comm ...
  5. Understanding Chakras And Kundalini Energy

    (Below is a continuation of the post How To Read The Signs From The Universe) Q: What are Chakras? How can we cleanse the Chakras? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Chakras are the nerve centres seen in our body. There are 1,72,000 Nadis (channels of metaphys ...
  6. How To Read The Signs From The Universe?

    Today, we have with us Maharaj Ji from the Nimbaarka Sampradaya from Vrindavana. He is the Mahanta (spiritual leader or pontiff) of the Nimbaarka Sampradaya and they have their own Ashram at the Vishraama Ghaat.This thought came to me in the morning about ...
  7. Anything Is Possible

    (As a part of Namasté France festival, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar delivered a lecture to the members of the French Parliament at the India embassy. Below is the transcript of What Sri Sri Said…) Good Evening everyone. I am glad to be at the residence of ...
  8. Significance Of Devi Stotra

    (While leading everyone into meditation during the Navratri Pooja, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar elaborates on the meaning behind the Devi Stotra) Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Chetanety-Abhidiyate; Namastasye Namastasye Namastasye Namo Namaha. O Mother Divine! ( ...
  9. The Power Of Peace

    Comment ça va? Are you happy? I don't expect an answer from you. Some questions are there just to connect, and some questions are to disconnect. If you want to disconnect from the whole world, then you ask, "Who am I?" "What am I doing here?" "What is thi ...