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  1. 5 Things You Need to Know About Stress

    There is a beautiful human being inside everyone. What makes one different is the stress that covers the beauty. When the stress is gone, we become our original selves. In this article, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar speaks on the 5 things we need to know a ...
  2. What Is Hinduism?

    A Way of Life Hinduism means universalism; it is not just a sect. The president of India Dr. Radha Krishan was asked, “Who is a Hindu?”He said, “By negating all the religions, that is, one who is not a Muslim, one who is not a Christian and so on, whoever ...
  3. Gurudev on Mahavir Jayanti

    Today is the birthday of a great saint called Mahavir, who propagated Jainism. He is one of the most adored enlightened saints of India and the 24thTirthankara (the name given to an enlightened and realized soul in the Jain tradition). Mahavir’s Teachings ...
  4. How to Reduce the Wavering of the Mind

    The nature of the mind is to waver, similar to how the nature of water is to flow. Now how do you reduce this wavering nature of the mind? It is through spiritual practices (abhyaasa) and dispassion (vairagya). What is Dispassion? Sometimes, when you are ...
  5. How to Communicate Effectively?

    The king and the astrologer I want to tell you a story! Once, an astrologer went to visit a king. The king showed great reverence to the astrologer, made him sit down and honored him with gifts.The king then showed his palm and the charts to an astrologer ...
  6. How Yoga Can Transform Your Life

    Life always moves towards perfection. Just like how water flows down and fire goes up, the nature of life is to move towards perfection, to move towards something bigger and something higher. Often people say that the mind is wavering, but the mind is not ...
  7. What Are Signs of Intelligence?

    Buddha means the enlightened, and also the super intelligent. Buddhi in Sanskrit means intelligence, and there are four signs of intelligence. 1 Alertness The first sign of intelligence is being alert. You can’t say that I am intelligent but I am a little ...
  8. Kiedy ostatnio pytałeś/pytałaś swoje ciało jak się czuje?

    Kiedy ostatnio pytałeś/pytałaś swoje ciało jak się czuje? Ogromna liczba osób polega na opiniach zupełnie obcych ludzi w kwestii własnego zdrowia. Nauczyliśmy się, że każdy dyskomfort w ciele należy zwalczać. W czasach, w których liczy się pośpiech najmni ...
  9. Change the Way You See The World

    “A seeker is one who knows that, intrinsically, every human being is a spark of Divinity, and so they cannot be bad. I tell you, there is no bad human being created by the Creator. Everyone has light in them." Click To Tweet Do you believe in the goodness ...
  10. Significance of Holi – The Festival of Colors

    What is Holi? In India, this is the last full moon of the year (as per the Lunar Calendar). Holi is celebrated on the last full moon of the year. The next full moon will be the New Year. So, before that last full moon, the tradition is to just take all th ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 1535