Highlights & Outcomes


With the commitment of environmental care, the first day of the Conference began with the plantation of 1000 saplings. Women from different parts of the world worked alongside each other to play a role in nurturing Mother Earth. Each one pledged to be a part of the Mission Green Earth.

Happy smiles, a prayer in each heart and busy hands epitomized the promise to sow the seeds of development.


The exuberance and energy of the two-day conference left the delegates inspired to take responsibility and lead initiatives in their communities. The delegates reflected upon the areas that they would like to work in. The reflection soon transformed into a spontaneous and vibrant flow of ideas. As women from different parts of the world shared their commitments, their initiatives spanned the globe from the cities of North America to villages in Africa; from schools in South Asia to entrepreneurship in the Far East.

These service projects are catalysts for more growth and more power - the power to change, and to be a part of a larger commitment to humanity. With the strength of the preceding three conferences, the fourth conference inspired leadership.

Some of the service initiatives pledged as an outcome of the conference

  • Empowering social entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.
  • Establishing a rural school in Orissa, India
  • Facilitating Holistic education for 1500 girl students in Karnataka, India.
  • Exhibiting continuing commitment towards girl child education. Approximately 4400 underprivileged girl children have been educated since the first Conference in 2005
  • Exploring opportunities, along with the World Bank Institute, to develop schemes to empower women in fragile nations.
  • Supporting environmental care, beginning with the plantation of 1000 trees at the Conference
  • Expanding vocational training for widows in Iraq.
  • Initiating a signature campaign to urge the government of the United States of America to pass a bill to stop violence against women.