
Ongoing support for Education:

Education, the primary need of an individual has always been the prime concern of The International Women's Conference. With every passing year, the International Women's Conference widens its support for education of under privileged children through 404 free schools in 19 states of India under the aegis of Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth. The 19 states have witnessed tremendous transformation in their state and educational statistics. FOr more infromation on the projects and services, please visit aolschools.org.

Pledge to protect the environment:

'Hara Desh Hari Prithvi - Be Evergreen Go Green Project', a Vishalakshi Women Empowerment Project Initiative for a Plastic Free Planet, launched on International Women's Day March 8th 2014 received overwhelming response from the participants, authorities and common masses to protect the planet.

Delegates initiate projects:

Delegates who participate in The International Women's Conference are no longer just the speakers of the conference but they have initiated various projects in their individual countries after their return. There are inspiring stories and interesting projects to share.

Please watch this space for updates of activities of transformation across the globe adopted by delegates as an outcome of their participation in the International Women's Conference


The Colombian former minister Sandra Suarez has contacted the Art of Living Prison Smart Coordinators in Latin America and has initiates to introduce the Prison Smart Program in more prisons in Colombia


The Paraguayan politician Mrs Mirian Rivarola Torres who represented the municipality of Asunción at the Conference would like to host a conference there and assemble all the women of Paraguay to play a pivotal role in the society.

Middle East Breakaway Session

Delegates from the Middle East region -- Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Dubai,Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, as well as from the US and Canada -- met at a break away session to discuss the progress made since the International Women's Conference 2012. The speakers, Mawahib Shaibani and Filiz Odabas-Geldiay, shared their steps taken towards establishing a Middle East Peace Institute. A beautiful share of land overlooking the Red Sea in Jordan was donated for the construction of this Institute and an architectural firm in the U.S. donated their time and talents to draw schematic designs of the building. They also presented a short video during the session. Their joy knew no bounds when they shared of how every need came by their way and the initiative in building up with great progress.

Participants also had a chance to hear about the highly successful women empowerment programs in Iraq to prevent violence against women, and advancing women’s careers. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar presented teachers working in Iraq with IAHV Appreciation Awards.

One of the most important outcomes of the International Women’s Conference was the agreement to work together to organize a Middle East Women’s Conference in 2015 in Jordan.

Media Breakaway Session

Media has a very crucial role to play in a society. In an interesting break away session media representatives from 4 countries came together at the recent International Women’s Conference in an endeavor to encourage positive, value-based journalism. As media had the power to influence large numbers of people, the issues discussed were, ‘How media could celebrate good deeds and peace-work rather than reporting solely on war and crimes?’-’How could media generate hope, happiness and foster human values?’

On the esteemed Media Panel Session were Ms. Kathrine Aspaas, Journalist & Writer, Norway, Ms. Tanika Gray Valbrun, News Editor, CNN, Atlanta, USA; Sheikha Hend Faisal of UAE and Annika Dopping, TV producer, Sweden.