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  1. NAP_Testimonoals2

    Before, I felt irritated with everything, now I don ...
  2. Living Well_testimonial5

    A stitch in time saves nine ...
  3. Living Well_testimonial6

    The course is very effective and my experience with this program is fantastic. Earlier my blood pressure was 150/90 but after the course it comes to a normal level. It gives me peace of mind. ...
  4. Living Well_testimonial5

    After the course I got detailed knowledge on blood pressure and sugar. I came to know how regular practice of yoga and Sudarshan Kriya can aid to controlling these diseases. I feel a new freshness and energy which positively affects my routine tasks. I wi ...
  5. Living Well_testimonial3

    Excellent comprehensive course enriched with basic knowledge of diabetes and hypertension which every patient should know. ...
  6. Living Well_testimonial4

    This course has all the important information of the disease and how one ...
  7. Living Well_testimonial1

    I am feeling very good after coming here. I always used to have headache but during these seven days neither I had felt any headache nor any kind of tiresome feeling. Whatever I have got from this course is very precious and will give a new direction to m ...
  8. Living Well_testimonial2

    I have never taken time for myself in life but thanks to my friend who took me to the course. The happiness I got here can ...
  9. Divya Samaj Nirman Testimonial

    Divya Samaj Nirman provided the tools I need to enhance my awareness, consciousness and love that quiets my inner voices of worry and fear. ...
  10. HIV_Title_2

    Practice of the Art of Living techniques dissolves the side-effects of the medicines I take. It eliminates anxiety and nausea and gives me more energy, shares a positive person. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More