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A deeper passion
Director Through the Art of Living, my symptoms from the stroke I suffered in June 2007 improved by almost 70%. I continue with the breathing practice I had learnt on the course everyday without fail. I have not skipped a day since 28th October 2007. ... -
Business with a smile
Corporate Manager, Paraguay ačkjačklj čakl čalkj lakj kaj kas akjh ak kahd kaj dkaj dkjahd kas kashk akj hakh kash kah kash ... -
Successful in Business
Corporate Manager My life and my business are growing since I started practicing Sudashan Kriya. I'm more happy and joyful every day. ... -
Secrets to Happy Family and Relationships
Don’t just keep your friendliness for family gatherings, celebrate every moment and welcome your community as your family You can only share what you have. If you want your family to be happy and open and if you want to live in a community that feels like ... -
Spiritual Experience
Find out the purpose of your life Discover the mystical secrets of life and creation Experience freedom and explore the innermost depth of your being Take gentle guided steps on the path to enlightenment Experience the absolute truth, highest knowledge an ... -
Personality Development
"In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate your Uniqueness." – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar What i ... -
Free Introductory Session
Join us at any of our local centers to find more about the benefits gained by the courses listed below The Art of Living Happiness Program Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Course this potenti ... -
Youth Programs
Know Your Child and Know Your Teen (Ages 14- 17) Know Your Child (KYC) and Know Your Teen (KYT) are 2-hour workshops for parents to help them better understand their children/teenagers and make parenting a joyful adventure. KYC and KYT examine the root c ... -
The Art of Living Program for Excellence at Workplace
The Art of Living Program for Excellence at Workplace offers Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises a structured intervention to eliminate stress, enhance inspirational levels and arrive at an overall work life balance of its employees. Benefits The program ... -
Yoga for those amazing abs
Enhance your cycling experience with yoga! A toned abdomen is often considered as a sign of a healthy body. And there are others who crave for a waist line that does not embarrass us and allows us to wear the clothes that we like. For those who are still ...