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Biochemistry of Sudarshan Kriya
"If we reduce the number of oxygen radicals, we improve the antioxidant status in our body and live longer."- Manoj Jain Ever wondered what causes us to age, resulting in death of our body cells over the years, or develop heart disease leading t ...Research in Oslo
A study done by the University in Oslo, by Professor Fahri Saatciouglu; "Study was done on Breathe Smart participants who have been involved with party drug use. Their level of stress and anxiety was measured by two independent tools, Becks Depressio ...Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study
Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study In an effort to identify effective tools to combat stress, Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey decided to pilot the International Association for Human Values (IAHV)/The Art of Living Stress Management workshop ...
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