Yes Plus Case Study

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  1. AOL’s Yes Plus Seminar For Arabic Speakers

    Tue, 14 June 2011 THE Art of Living (AOL) Middle East successfully completed second group of youth empowerment seminar to help the Omani youth deal with stress, train them to take more responsibility and serve the country. The AOL is planning to conduct a ...
  2. Software Professionals Groove to Yes!+ Beats

    By Komal Singh An absolute riot of joy and laughter prevailed as we sailed through a five-day YES+ Course in May, organized for 51 Sumeru Solutions employees at the Bangalore ashram. It was my first YES+ Course and what stuck is the way profound knowledge ...
  3. YES!+ Summer Magic

    “Summer Magic Course was the kind of vacation I was looking forward to. It was a perfect blend of education and fun. The interactive sessions were very educative and were way beyond what we have learnt in school and colleges,” said Pranit Chaddha. Pranit ...
  4. Indonesian Youth Discover the Power of Breath

    Yes!+ courses begin in Jakarta “I feel happy almost all the time now!” “I can concentrate better and be in the present moment.” “I realized that we need to be in control of ourselves in order to control actions we are about to do.” “This course has been a ...
  5. YES plus in USA

    AMERICAN STUDENTS SAY YES!+ “Learning Sudarshan Kriya has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life,” says Johnny, a junior at Harvard University who has benefited from the YES!+ Program (Youth Empowerment Seminar) in the United States of Amer ...
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