Other Wisdom Sheets

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  1. Meditate into higher consciousness

    We live most of our life through three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses through which we seek elevation and joy. If any one of the senses is missi ...
  2. What Hinders Meditation?

    You know what hinders meditation is when you think thoughts should not come! You try to chase a thought out with a stick and that's when thoughts come back again.  What you have to do when a bad thought comes- say ok! Come on! I am going to embrace y ...
  3. Holding on to infinity

    Every cell in the body has the capacity to hold infinity. A worm too eats, sleeps and performs its daily activities. There is no point in living like that. We must tap the full potential nature has bestowed upon us, the potential to hold infinity in every ...
  4. Understanding Meditation

    The higher goals in life can only be realized through a few minutes of meditation and introspection. What is meditation? Mind without agitation is meditation. Mind in the present moment is meditation. Mind that has no hesitation, no anticipation is medita ...
  5. How to overcome obstacles in meditation

    #1 Drop all desires & planning The hindrance for meditation is the desire and all your planning to do something. Offer the desire through surrender with the trust, “It it is right for me, it will be done.” Just think it will happen and relax. Surrende ...
  6. Science, Creativity & Meditation

    Science and meditation  : in between is creativity. Science says, what is this? And meditation is knowing, who am I. The subjective knowledge about one's self is meditation and the objective knowledge and objective analysis is science. They are not c ...
  7. Meditation is kindling love inside you

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q: Do you need to set an alarm to come out of meditation? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, usually not because it can be too jarring. But if you keep an intention that I will meditate for 2 ...
  8. Meditation & Relaxation

      When can you rest? When is rest possible? Rest is only possible, when you have stopped all activities. When you stop moving around, when you stop working, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting…- when all these activities stop- then you g ...
  9. Levels of Existence

    Meditation & Levels of Existence Spirituality is observing your own existence. Have you experienced your own body? Experiencing the various levels of existence- your own body, your breath, your mind, your emotion, and the source of your life- is medit ...
Displaying 41 - 49 of 49