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How to overcome exam fear
Have you ever wondered why some students stay relaxed and focused and while others get anxious during studies and exam time? Call it coming of age or gaining self-confidence, it all comes at its own pace when we are growing up. Is there a way to fastrack ...Meditation: Invaluable Parenting Guide
A mother or father is born when the child is born.At that moment when you take your baby in your hands for the first time, your baby has already stolen you away from the rest of the world. Just his or her mere entrance in your life changes you totally and ...Meditation: A Seed for Social Transformation
Beauty is not just outside, it is within too. A statement so true and one person who lives by this phrase is Raul Ortemberg. A designer in Argentina, his clothes are intended to make people look beautiful. But Raul doesn’t stop at just that. He also adds ...Dreaming of a Better World
“When more people meditate, we will have a much better world”. Francisco Moreno Ocampo lives with this strong faith; a faith that he has developed over eight years of regular practice. And, he is now working on building the same faith and belief in the yo ...The Other Side of 'Me'
That’s how he names his 14-year-long meditation journey, ’from head to heart’! As an engineer, Konstantin Dragov shares having been very intellectual, to the extent that he says he did not even realize the difference between thoughts and feelings! Today, ...Meditation: An Adventure of another Flavor
A journalist by profession, Beatriz Goyoaga has been meditating for 15 years. From mountaineering on the Everest to traveling around the world for 365 days, Beatriz has done all sorts of adventure activities. But meditation has been the most powerful thin ...What is Meditation?
Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique that effortlessly allows your mind to become calm and peaceful. All you need to do is sit with your eyes closed and you might experience deeper rest than the deepest sleep which you can ever have! Benefits of ...Meditation is kindling love inside you
This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … Q: Do you need to set an alarm to come out of meditation? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, usually not because it can be too jarring. But if you keep an intention that I will meditate for 2 ...Teach Meditation
When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm, serene and is at peace, meditation happens. By doing meditation, you can turn your body into a powerhouse by generating an inner source of energy. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Right from our child ...Meditation & Relaxation
When can you rest? When is rest possible? Rest is only possible, when you have stopped all activities. When you stop moving around, when you stop working, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting…- when all these activities stop- then you g ...