Wisdom Search

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  1. How do we balance commitment and feelings?

    Feelings change but commitment should not change as fast as the feelings. We simply have to acknowledge that feelings change very fast. I remember there was one lady who used to come and ask me for blessing when she was to go for shopping. She w ...
  2. Gurudev, when we see everything through the eyes of Viveka (sense of discrimination), then we feel that everything is changing. Can we also change our commitment?

    Yes, and when can that happen? That can happen when Viveka awakens within us, and we realize that whatever commitment or promise we made was wrong and was made out of ignorance. When a commitment made does not bring any benefit or any good ...
  3. How do we know that we have given our best at something?

    How do you know when your tummy is full? How do you know that you ran to the best of your ability? It’s obvious! It’s like the pain in your leg, and you do not need anybody else to tell you that you have pain in your leg! You do not need anyone else to tel ...
  4. I am scared of commitment. How do I get over that?

    Interact with someone who is not committed to you. For example, someone tells you, ‘I will take you to a movie tomorrow’, and never shows up, or promises that he will bring some notes or books to you, but doesn't show up the next day. Just put yoursel ...
  5. Gurudev, I have changed companies and places, still I find so much boredom in my life. Please advise how to come out of boredom.

    When you have a passion or a commitment in life for a bigger cause, boredom will vanish. Boredom comes because you are only focused on your own pleasure. If you are only thinking about yourself, about how much more joy or pleasure you can get for yo ...
  6. Gurudev, is it necessary to have a goal in life, or should we go with whatever comes to us?

    You should have one individual goal about what you want to do in life. When there is a goal, life runs like a river. When there is no goal, the water is all over the field. A goal is for commitment. That is why you should have a goal, a Lakshya< ...
  7. Gurudev, there have been a lot of changes in our area through the YLTP programme. What is the aim of this movement? What mission or aim should I keep in my work as a Yuvacharya (youth leader)?

    Shreyas (one’s own progress) and Preyas (progress of others in the society). Your own progress and the progress of society, both have to happen together. They cannot happen one after the other. They have to happen together. That is the aim of ...
  8. How important is following ones dharma on this path. Is dharma determined by our profession or determined by our goal?

    Dharma is determined by your commitment. That what you are committed to becomes your dharma. When you are on this path dharma is natural to you. It will automatically come. ...
  9. I always start anything with full energy and enthusiasm. But over a period of time I lose the charm for doing that work and at last end up with no result.

    This is a very common problem. Nobody can have the same charm for the same work all their life unless they are enlightened. If you are enlightened, you can give the same intro talk a million times and still be so enthusiastic because you don’t live in ...
  10. Gurudev, when things change from ‘I want to do it’ to ‘I will have to do it’, it becomes very difficult to act. What to do in such situations?

    If you have a commitment then you better do it. Otherwise you will not be able to do anything because the mind is your most unreliable friend. The mind says something now and a little later it says something else. You can rely on your friend bett ...
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15