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  1. Gurudev, I have not been doing my kriya for some time now and I feel I am taking you for granted. Please guide me. I am scared as I can’t afford to lose your love.

    You know my love is unconditional, but I will tell you something. If you at least sit and meditate for some time, you are not doing it for me, you are doing it for your own good. Whatever you can do, you do. Take out a little bit of time for yourself. T ...
  2. What is the purpose of Sadhana (spiritual practices)?

    To be yourself! When prana level is low - you feel upset, angry, dejected and not so good. When prana level is even lower - you feel life is not worth living. When prana level is normal - you feel yourself, like a normal human being. When prana ...
  3. Gurudev, one has to make some effort in order to gain something in this world. Even on the spiritual path, one has to engage in seva and sadhana in order to make progress. Until I become enlightened, even seva is like some work for me and I seem to be tired. What do I do?

    See, when you get tired, just relax and meditate. You will go deeper into meditation then. We need to make meditation a part of our lifestyle. When you feel tired doing seva, relax and meditate for a while. When you become bored of meditating, t ...
  4. Gurudev, I am a soldier. Will doing sadhana reduce my zeal and enthusiasm?

    No, not at all. In fact, doing sadhana will help you strengthen and maintain your enthusiasm and positivity. Do not think that by doing sadhana you will become passive and lose the will to fight. If that was the case, then why would the Bh ...
  5. Gurudev, I read the Namaz five times daily. I have joined the Art of Living since six to seven months. Can we do our meditation along with our Namaz or should we have a separate time for meditation?

    You can continue performing your Namaz as you always do, and thereafter you can do your meditation separately once you have finished. You can do it at the same time, or you can also choose to do it before or after performing the Namaz. ...
  6. Gurudev, can one’s basic personality or nature change by practicing sadhana and meditation?

    The answer to this depends on what is your understanding of one’s basic nature or personality. If you tell me that anger is your very nature, then I am not ready to believe that.A person’s essential behavior is determined by the three ...
  7. Gurudev, if sadhana is the wealth that goes with us when we depart from the world, then why do we not invest our whole time in it alone?

    You cannot, because your body cannot do it all the time. You can’t eat the whole year’s food in two days, or one month. Every day, you have to eat only a certain amount. Similarly, in sadhana also, you can’t hurry up and do a lot of sa ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, why do I go on and off in my sadhana (spiritual practice)? I hear that other people do this as well

    Well, it's natural. When there are fruits in the tree you enjoy the fruits and you forget to water the roots. And then when the tree starts drying out then you water it again. This is how we do. Once, twice or three times you go through this cycle a ...
  9. Gurudev, if my soul is thirsty for love, peace and contentment, then why do I find excuses not to do my sadhana?

    Yes, I would suggest that you reflect upon this question yourself. Then you will realize that you are making excuses to take your medicine (here indicating sadhana) which are for your own good.This is like going to the doctor to get medicines ...
  10. Gurudev, if I do not do sadhana, seva and satsang, are you still with me?

    Yes! However you are, I am always with you.But the real question is, will you always be with me? See, if you do sadhana then I am already with you, and you with me (referring to the union through the medium of sadhana ...
Displaying 1 - 10 of 54