Katrein has dedicated her time to teaching inmates around the world. The techniques taught on the Prison Program have transformed the lives of many bringing new hope and new life. She shares:“In my first Prison Program in Belgium, now more than one year ago, I met a man named Macro. He practices sadhana since he has done the course. Among other things, he wants to travel to testify about the change in his life and the value of Art of Living practices and knowledge. I have personally been touched by his humanness in an inhumane system and by his sincere longing for goodness, non-violence and love. - Katrien, Prison Program teacher, who taught Marco. “I wish what you wish for: inner peace, inner strength, inner love, understanding and a future. I live in the present. All I care about now is love, life, and Art of Living and the possibility to have a second chance maybe one day. -Marco, a transformed inmate