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Power of knowledge
This is the role of knowledge: in knowledge, you smile and laugh at the event. You grow out of the event with the power of knowledge. ... -
One Consciousness
It is one consciousness that has become the body, has become the mind, intellect, emotions, ego, self. Everything that you have in you is made up of one consciousness---like every wave of the water is made up of the water itself, and nothing other than th ... -
Words are pearl
Weigh your words before you speak them out. They are pearls of your life. Don't throw them, don't lose them for nothing. ... -
Already Connected
The moment you feel a connection from your side---just know, you have already been connected; otherwise, you won't even come anywhere near this knowledge, this path. ... -
Being one with Divine
You are Divine. You are part of me, I am Part of you. It is not a question of am I bigger than you, or equal to you, or less than you- I am You. ... -
Transforming Feverishness
Attend to every part of your body with honour, and all feverishness will be transformed into love. ... -
Awareness, understanding and experiencing the life energy down inside, can bring huge transformation. ...