IWC 2005 Reflection
Theme Song
Day 2
Ms. Makhosi Maria Ntuli
Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Founding Member,
Women and Development Organization, South Africa.
I challenge every delegate here to go back home and create opportunities that will benefit and support other women.
Ms. Ayesha Khan
Environmental Activist and Journalist, Pakistan
The sooner we involve women in this process of preservation, I think better our chances of bequeathing a planet where there is peace, prosperity and dignity for all.
Ms. Shibani Sachdeva
Executive Director of United Way, Mumbai, India.
Women have shown a 98% repayment rate for the loans they have taken and they have started transforming their own lives and then lives of their community.
Ms. Elizabeth Shongwe
Director of Kelloggs Foundation, Swaziland
With all these inspirational presentations, we are on a high note. When we go back to our realities, we may meet a lot of challenges just remember, small beginnings make big endings!
Dr. Lata Jagannathan
Founder/MD/Managing trustee, Bangalore,
Medical services trust,India
The most important factor in the prevention of HIV and AIDS is awareness. We have to aware, tell others and be able to access information and services.
Ms. Thami Skenjana
National Directorate, Government AIDS action plan, South Africa
Presented the various initiative of the South African Government to combat the spread of HIV, along with the concurrent problem of discrimination against individuals living with HIV or AIDS.
Ms. Elana Rozenman
Director, Women’s Interfaith Encounter, Israel
The violence that we live with in the Middle East is destroying all of us and our children. I decided I had to do something to help change our situation and I knew the answer had to be women.
Dr. Sudha Kumar
Chief Physician, Bangalore Homeopathic Medical Centre, India
The system is deep rooted (but) it has to change and the change can happen with everybody. I firmly believe that we women, the backbone have the answer.
Dr. Rama kashyap
Advisor, Gender and community, UNFPA, India
Ya devi sarva bhooteshu matr roopena samsthita namastassaye nmastassaye namastassaye namo namaha. This means the divine is every being as mother. This is our culture.
Dr. Patricia Morrigan
School of Management, Edith Cowan University, Australia
It’s time to forge a new vision for the compassionate corporation, this can come from our conversations together, our intensions and actions and our faith in the future. For this, we need to reach out to the teachings of the spiritual masters.
Ms. Deborah Blackwell
Executive Vice-President & GM, SOAPnet,
The Walt Disney Company, USA
We as women need to be pioneers in new fields, but it is not easy and it takes it’s toll.
I believe my spiritual life has always helped me in this area.
Prof. Sema Sakarya
Chairperson & Associate Professor,
Business development of International trade,
Women tend to change the business culture. They bring in values which were not (previously) accepted as business values by the business worlds.
Bogazici Unversity, Turkey
Ms. Jana Stanfield
Singer-Songwriter, USA
This conference is about coming together as women to share-because each one of us has walked a different path in a different country, a different culture, a different family. We have to come together as sisters to share our answers with each other.