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Want To Be A Child Again?
T he first step out of bed and we let our minds fly to the rest of the day, making plans, mentally preparing for that presentation, being utterly restless. You nibble food but what you ingest is tight schedules and a pile of plans. Your body is there but ... -
Meditate Online
Transforming Emotions Meditation Your feelings keep on changing. Sometimes you feel bad, but a bad feeling can´t stay forever. It swichs and you start feeling good again; Good or bad feelings are like waves. Transform your emotions with this nice guided m ... -
Bringing Out The Innocence Of North-East India
Having been born and brought up in North East India, she always had a soft side for that part of the country. In 2001, she started her venture to teach meditation to the people of Darjeeling, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland. While on her journey to ... -
Secrets of Being a Good Manager (Part-2)
This is continued form the post Secrets of being a Good Manager- 1 Here are a couple (of) more secrets unleashed to help you be good managers.Let us hear what more is in store from Mr.Arunkumar and Ms.Bharathy Harish. Secret #3: Doing what you love and lo ... -
Secrets of Being a Good Manager
The definition of an ideal manager may differ for different people. A manager may be someone who is like a tree – with his skills,like branches,spreading out to his people; and his values and ethics,like roots, deeply embedded in the soils of his heart. C ... -
Your Mantra For Corporate Success
We all might be very good Marketing Managers, Sales Managers, or HR Managers, but are we good Mind Managers? Have you observed how many times you go off-center at work – taking some irrational decisions, getting angry, feeling frustrated, feeling anxious ... -
Expert Q and A: Making Meditation Child-friendly!
As parents, one wonders how many sleepless nights have gone by worrying about one’s toddler. We want the best for them—health-wise, education-wise, actually the best in every way. And that is precisely why meditation appeals to parents who have tried it t ... -
Meditation for Quick Relaxation
Journey Within Meditation Unwind yourself in just 20 minutes with this guided meditation. All you need to do is, sit with your eyes closed and follow the instructions being given in the guided meditation. Find yourself transcending all the tiredness and c ... -
Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Increases Concentration
While meditation is known to have many benefits, one of the very important ones that practically everyone needs is better concentration—whether it a school student or a corporate at work. A study (Concentrative meditation enhances pre-attentive processing ... -
Discover your skills & Multiply Your Time by Four
Do you sometimes juggle too many things? Do you wonder how some people are able to manage all their tasks simultaneously, well? We cannot multiply our hands, but we definitely can expand the capacity of our mind to accommodate doing many things at the sam ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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