Teaching Communities to
be Self Sufficient

The Beginning

The project was started in July 2009, with a target group of unemployed and disadvantaged women with families.

Teaching Communities to be Self Sufficient

The Home Gardening Project teaches community members to make organic home food gardens with resources they have access to (i.e. no or low cost) through a participative hands‐on three month introductory course. Breath Water Sound follow‐up is practiced at the start of each weekly lesson. Mandiseli Maseti facilitates work at the ground level in Makhaza, and youth leaders over the period of one year will be trained to run the courses themself.


Follow‐up support for gardeners will be made available with the aim of keeping them actively engaged for one year to provide guidance and encouragement through all seasons.

TRAUMA RELIEF FUND Make a Difference Contribute to Art of Living Foundation’s Trauma Relief Fund and join the movement