Sri Sri Joga
vsak četrtek

Dodatna navodila:

Sri Sri joga je drugačna

Ali ste utrujeni od tekmovalne ali površne kulture, ki obdaja nekatere mainstream joge?
Sri Sri joga ne le izboljša vašo prožnost, moč in zdravje, temveč tudi poglobi vaše samozavedanje in osredotočenost s celostnim pristopom k jogi.
Sri Sri Joga ponuja vzdušjje, kjer lahko najdete svojo lastno mejo raztezanja brez bolečin, potiskanja in tekmovanja. Sri sri joga je več kot le položaji joge. 

Pogosto ljudje povezujejo jogo le s telesnimi vajami, vendar je v njej veliko več. V Sri Sri Jogi boste izkusili vse vidike popolne vadbe joge, vključno s tradicionalnimi asanami (položaji), preprostimi pranajamami (dihalne tehnike), vodeno meditacijo in znanjem joge.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar je duhovni učitelj MokiLuz in ustanovitelj, The Art of Living fundacije,  je globalni humanitarni in duhovni vodja ter ambasador miru. Milijonom ljudi v 180 državah je prinesel jogo, meditacijo in praktično modrost.


Dobrodošli otroci, mladi,veliki in seniori !



The magical power of well-being

Sri Sri yoga is different
Are you tired of the competitive or superficial culture that surrounds some mainstream yoga?
Sri Sri Yoga not only improves your flexibility, strength and health but also deepens your self-awareness and focus through a holistic approach to yoga.
Sri Sri Yoga offers an atmosphere where you can find your own limit of stretching without pain, pushing, and competition. Sri Sri Yoga is more than just yoga postures. Often people associate yoga only with physical exercises, but there is much more to it. At Sri Sri Yoga, you will experience all aspects of a complete yoga practice, including traditional asanas (postures), simple pranayamas (breathing techniques), guided meditation, and yoga knowledge.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the spiritual teacher of MokiLuz and the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, a global humanitarian and spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in 180 countries.

Welcome children, young people, adults and seniors!


Sri Sri joga je drugačna

Ali ste utrujeni od tekmovalne ali površne kulture, ki obdaja nekatere mainstream joge?
Sri Sri joga ne le izboljša vašo prožnost, moč in zdravje, temveč tudi poglobi vaše samozavedanje in osredotočenost s celostnim pristopom k jogi.
Sri Sri Joga ponuja vzdušjje, kjer lahko najdete svojo lastno mejo raztezanja brez bolečin, potiskanja in tekmovanja. Sri sri joga je več kot le položaji joge. 

Pogosto ljudje povezujejo jogo le s telesnimi vajami, vendar je v njej veliko več. V Sri Sri Jogi boste izkusili vse vidike popolne vadbe joge, vključno s tradicionalnimi asanami (položaji), preprostimi pranajamami (dihalne tehnike), vodeno meditacijo in znanjem joge.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar je duhovni učitelj MokiLuz in ustanovitelj, The Art of Living fundacije,  je globalni humanitarni in duhovni vodja ter ambasador miru. Milijonom ljudi v 180 državah je prinesel jogo, meditacijo in praktično modrost.


Dobrodošli otroci, mladi,veliki in seniori !



The magical power of well-being

Sri Sri yoga is different
Are you tired of the competitive or superficial culture that surrounds some mainstream yoga?
Sri Sri Yoga not only improves your flexibility, strength and health but also deepens your self-awareness and focus through a holistic approach to yoga.
Sri Sri Yoga offers an atmosphere where you can find your own limit of stretching without pain, pushing, and competition. Sri Sri Yoga is more than just yoga postures. Often people associate yoga only with physical exercises, but there is much more to it. At Sri Sri Yoga, you will experience all aspects of a complete yoga practice, including traditional asanas (postures), simple pranayamas (breathing techniques), guided meditation, and yoga knowledge.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the spiritual teacher of MokiLuz and the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, a global humanitarian and spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in 180 countries.

Welcome children, young people, adults and seniors!

Art of Living Center,
Polje cesta XVIII / 28, Ljubljana

* Plus Local Expense Fee (See NOTES section)
Cena vstopnice:
1 SrečanjeEUR 15,00
4 SrečanjaEUR 55,00
17:30 - 19:00
Mojca Geržina
Oznaka tečaja: L00256
Prerequisite: The Happiness Program PRIJAVITE SE

Why take 3-4 days out of your busy life for a meditation retreat?

These few days make the rest of your year more alive, productive and full of energy. When you emerge, you feel recharged and refreshed, ready to take on all your responsibilities with greater focus and joy.

"Grateful to all the people and things which enable me to take time out like this to care for myself so that I can be the best, most stress-free and happy version of myself possible … and in that be a better mamma. Truly blessed and most humbled. "



Create Big Shifts in Your Life

The Silence Retreat can help you drop limiting beliefs, regrets and worries, and tap into a bigger vision for yourself. You come back to your life more grounded, more centered, more wise. You find a joy that is unshaken by outer circumstances. And the more often you do this retreat, the more this strength and freedom builds inside of you.

A Structured Retreat

While other retreats could leave you a little to your own devices to find some silence amidst a quiet atmosphere, many people find it challenging to know how to quiet their own minds. The Art of Silence Retreat provides optimal conditions for sinking deep within and breaking free from our mental chatter. Your whole day is carefully guided and crafted to give you as relaxing and transformative an experience possible. It’s no wonder that many course participants refer to it as the ideal vacation for body, mind, and spirit.

“I have been to other silent retreats at places like Kripalu, but basically, we were just silent and did our own thing, with optional classes we could attend throughout the day. But what we did here is so much more. What you guys offer is a full curriculum—the guided meditations, the service, the wisdom, the music—all of this took me on a journey far deeper than I thought possible.”

- Silent Retreat participant

Main Elements of the Retreat

"Meditation is the journey from movement to
stillness, sound to silence. "

-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Deep Meditations

A set of guided meditations called “Hollow and Empty” created by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are a central part of the retreat. These meditations are geared towards drawing out the deepest layers of stress and tension from our nervous system.


Silence is more than not speaking, it is a way to renew ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even just a few minutes of true silence gives a rest far deeper than sleep, and possibly anything else you’ve experienced in life.

Mudras and Advanced Pranayama

The course builds upon the breathing exercises taught during the Happiness Program and teaches a series of Mudras – a subtle technique to balance the mind and emotions.


Often, silence is associated with sadness. But in the retreat, silence is a celebration. After a full day of yoga, meditation and processes, the evenings are spent celebrating the inner spirit through soulful music and sacred chants.

More Elements

  • Yoga-Unite the body and mind with a morning yoga session to start each day.
  • Vedic Wisdom- Explore the “Four Pillars of Knowledge” from the ancient Vedic texts of India, which gives us the tools to live with bliss in our lives.
  • Question and Answer-Get clarity on meditation and peaceful living in nightly Q&A sessions with your teacher.
  • Wholesome Food-There’s nothing like eating well to soothe your spirit. Relish three delicious vegetarian meals a day.
Sri Sri Joga
vsak četrtek
Art of Living Center,
Polje cesta XVIII / 28, Ljubljana
Cena vstopnice:
1 SrečanjeEUR 15,00
4 SrečanjaEUR 55,00
17:30 - 19:00
Mojca Geržina
Oznaka tečaja: L00256

Dodatna navodila:

Sri Sri joga je drugačna

Ali ste utrujeni od tekmovalne ali površne kulture, ki obdaja nekatere mainstream joge?
Sri Sri joga ne le izboljša vašo prožnost, moč in zdravje, temveč tudi poglobi vaše samozavedanje in osredotočenost s celostnim pristopom k jogi.
Sri Sri Joga ponuja vzdušjje, kjer lahko najdete svojo lastno mejo raztezanja brez bolečin, potiskanja in tekmovanja. Sri sri joga je več kot le položaji joge. 

Pogosto ljudje povezujejo jogo le s telesnimi vajami, vendar je v njej veliko več. V Sri Sri Jogi boste izkusili vse vidike popolne vadbe joge, vključno s tradicionalnimi asanami (položaji), preprostimi pranajamami (dihalne tehnike), vodeno meditacijo in znanjem joge.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar je duhovni učitelj MokiLuz in ustanovitelj, The Art of Living fundacije,  je globalni humanitarni in duhovni vodja ter ambasador miru. Milijonom ljudi v 180 državah je prinesel jogo, meditacijo in praktično modrost.


Dobrodošli otroci, mladi,veliki in seniori !



The magical power of well-being

Sri Sri yoga is different
Are you tired of the competitive or superficial culture that surrounds some mainstream yoga?
Sri Sri Yoga not only improves your flexibility, strength and health but also deepens your self-awareness and focus through a holistic approach to yoga.
Sri Sri Yoga offers an atmosphere where you can find your own limit of stretching without pain, pushing, and competition. Sri Sri Yoga is more than just yoga postures. Often people associate yoga only with physical exercises, but there is much more to it. At Sri Sri Yoga, you will experience all aspects of a complete yoga practice, including traditional asanas (postures), simple pranayamas (breathing techniques), guided meditation, and yoga knowledge.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the spiritual teacher of MokiLuz and the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, a global humanitarian and spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in 180 countries.

Welcome children, young people, adults and seniors!


Sri Sri joga je drugačna

Ali ste utrujeni od tekmovalne ali površne kulture, ki obdaja nekatere mainstream joge?
Sri Sri joga ne le izboljša vašo prožnost, moč in zdravje, temveč tudi poglobi vaše samozavedanje in osredotočenost s celostnim pristopom k jogi.
Sri Sri Joga ponuja vzdušjje, kjer lahko najdete svojo lastno mejo raztezanja brez bolečin, potiskanja in tekmovanja. Sri sri joga je več kot le položaji joge. 

Pogosto ljudje povezujejo jogo le s telesnimi vajami, vendar je v njej veliko več. V Sri Sri Jogi boste izkusili vse vidike popolne vadbe joge, vključno s tradicionalnimi asanami (položaji), preprostimi pranajamami (dihalne tehnike), vodeno meditacijo in znanjem joge.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar je duhovni učitelj MokiLuz in ustanovitelj, The Art of Living fundacije,  je globalni humanitarni in duhovni vodja ter ambasador miru. Milijonom ljudi v 180 državah je prinesel jogo, meditacijo in praktično modrost.


Dobrodošli otroci, mladi,veliki in seniori !



The magical power of well-being

Sri Sri yoga is different
Are you tired of the competitive or superficial culture that surrounds some mainstream yoga?
Sri Sri Yoga not only improves your flexibility, strength and health but also deepens your self-awareness and focus through a holistic approach to yoga.
Sri Sri Yoga offers an atmosphere where you can find your own limit of stretching without pain, pushing, and competition. Sri Sri Yoga is more than just yoga postures. Often people associate yoga only with physical exercises, but there is much more to it. At Sri Sri Yoga, you will experience all aspects of a complete yoga practice, including traditional asanas (postures), simple pranayamas (breathing techniques), guided meditation, and yoga knowledge.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the spiritual teacher of MokiLuz and the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, a global humanitarian and spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has brought yoga, meditation and practical wisdom to millions of people in 180 countries.

Welcome children, young people, adults and seniors!