Relationship Advice from Sri Sri
A Spiritual Teacher and rsquo;s Tips on Dating, Relationships and Marriage
Relationship is like two wheels moving together. It needs attention and effort. We should not allow our love to grow old. The highest mortality rate in our society today is that of love. The strength of a relationship lies in the ability to accommodate rough patches. Excel in exhibiting your character rather than changing the other person. If the relationship comes from the space of giving rather than need, it is a good quality relationship.
Chapter #1: Entering Relationships
Having an ideal partner, finding a perfect relationship is one the central aspect of life that we all pursue. But is there a right approach to this? Yes! In this chapter and #39;Entering Relationships and #39; we look at how entering relationships with the right perspective and attitude can make all the difference!
- Introduction
- Discover a love with wisdom
- FAQs
- Quotes
Chapter #2: Making Relationships Work
Understandably the longest chapter, here we dive into the wisdom behind maintaining healthy relationships; wisdom that not only brings happiness to your relationship, but also enhances your personality.
- Introduction
- How to relate wisely in your relationship
- FAQs
- -Freedom in a relationship
- -Dealing with doubt
- -Overcoming conflicts
- -Dealing with hurt and bitterness
- -Dealing with jealousy and possessiveness
- Quotes
Chapter #3: Marriage Advice
Marriage, a sacred institution where you make the commitment to share unconditional love with another. Here, Sri Sri shares the importance of the institution of marriage, and tips on how to maintain a happy marriage.
- Introduction
- Do and #39;s and don and #39;ts to a happy marriage
- FAQs
- -Being devoted in a marriage
- -Interfaith marriages
- Quotes
Chapter #4: Sex and Spirituality
This body has come into existence through sex, and sex is the oldest impression in this body. Here we delve into some avenues of sex you may not have thought about, along with tips to overcome lust.
- The three avenues of sex
- The body sex or lust
- From lust to love
- FAQs
- -Overcoming lust
- -Homosexuality
- -Sex offenses
- -Celibacy
Chapter #5: How to Get Over a Broken Heart
Here, we look at Sri Sri and #39;s wisdom on common questions of heartbreak including: How to deal with a cheating partner? When to end a relationship? How to deal with pain?
- Introduction
- FAQs
- -Dealing with a cheating partner
- -When to ending a relationship
- -Divorce
- -How to let go
- Quotes