If other people don't like you, then just let it be. Just know that the divine likes you. No need to feel bad about these things.
Where is loneliness, tell me? Look at the environment, spend time with nature and your loneliness will go away. There are many people who are facing problems, serve these people who need you. If you serve these people who need help, you will not feel alone. If you sit alone and think that others should come and serve you, then you will feel alone. When you serve those who are in need, your loneliness will go away.
Keep your emotions and intellect pure, then you achieve fullness of life. You need to keep your body clean, for that you need Ayurveda, yoga and you need to eat sattvic food. Then you have to keep your emotions and thoughts clean. When all these three, your body, your emotions and the intellect are pure then you have really learnt the art of living.
First of all, lawyers do a lot of left brain activity - that is logic, analysis and verbal skills. Definite parts of our brain are assigned to definite jobs, so if one part of the brain is overused, there will be wear and tear very soon. To balance and rejuvenate that part of the brain, you have to do activity which uses the other side of the brain, like music, meditation, silence, relaxation, etc. You get the much needed balancing of left and right brain.
Meditation changes the structure of the brain, it gives you intuitive ability, inner comfort and relaxation. It helps the brain to recuperate itself. Meditation and silence have physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits.
As lawyers, right or wrong, you are arguing the whole day, you are talking a lot, so silence is very good as it gives rest to that part of the brain. This is something you can gain here. With meditation, your logic does not disappear. Many people think - if you are into music and meditation you may lose your logic and ability to argue. This is not so. Meditation makes the brain sharper, mind clearer and body robust. And as lawyers, this is all that you need, you need stamina to stand up and speak, to work late night and prepare for cases. I am sure that meditation will help you.
See, a college student has to do the homework only for particular period of time. Once they graduate they don't need to work so hard, but a lawyer is like a student for life. They have to prepare for the next day. Sharpness of intellect and memory is demanded of a lawyer. If a lawyer looses memory, it will be disastrous. They need clear and sharp memory, keen observation and perfect expression. I am sure meditation will definitely give you all this.
Just with meditation you can realize God. Not necessary to study all the scriptures. With devotion, you can realize god effortlessly.
Don't Bother about all this. Just do ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ Chanting.
It's a prayer. It says, "Let all the Gods and the divine purify our heart. Let everything be pure. Our mind, intellect, environment, thoughts, emotions - let everything be pure. Let even the body be pure.
It's okay. Let them be. Just know that you are bigger than the desires. Then even when the desires don't get fulfilled, your mind is not lost. This is possible only through spirituality.
Without knowing if they say something, you should educate them about the facts, the situation, and then ignore. Then let it go.
If you think it's an obstruction, then it will be. If you think it won't be an obstruction, then it won't be. It depends on you. There are so many people who do seva even after being married. It all depends on the state of your mind.
When you walk up the hill, there will be a difference in your body and your breathing; inside of you, some sort of kriya happens. After that, when you go inside the temple and sit, the mind calms down. That is why they built temples on hills.
When you walk pranayama happens, when you go up the hill, body gets an exercise and when you go up there and sit, meditation happens very naturally. God is inside us, the only way to meet God is meditation. As you sit to meditate, then gradually you will be calm and peaceful from within, after that it will be blissful, after that there will be lot of light & clarity and that is God, that is Divine.