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  1. 9 natural ways to be free from PCOS

    You are bound to go through a roller coaster of emotions. Acne, obesity, hypertension, facial hair, irregular periods, sluggishness, and hair loss make a regular appearance in your life. And let’s not talk about the rising craving for sweets. It is true t ...
  2. The Consciousness as Chitta and Buddhi (Subconscious mind and Intellect)

    This consciousness, which has become the brain, which has become the inner faculties or organs, is of immense power. One thought came in the mind to make a television and that thought manifested as television. All possible advancement in any field today, ...
  3. 20 Quotes On Meditation That will Change the Way You See Meditation

    Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation.  Being in a state o ...
  4. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  5. Find out how to save your child from the Blue Whale danger

    In this digital age, it is difficult to keep children away from social media and Internet games. By the age of 6 or 7, most kids own a mobile phone. They are spending over 3 to 4 hours online daily. These statistics are shocking. We live in a world that i ...
  6. The Beautiful Secret of Water

    Words, words, words. There are words everywhere. Gone are the days when silence and vibes were given utmost preference to communicate. We speak nicely to some, rudely to someone else. We befriend, break hearts, connect and disconnect with our words. Commu ...
  7. Meditation for Athletics: The Lisette Sevens Story

    These are the meditation experiences from top athlete and Olympic champion (L.A.1984), Lisette Sevens. She has related her experiences with hockey at the international level and the effectiveness of Art of Living for athletes (AOL). She has credited the A ...
  8. I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism

    “Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev And it is well known that meditation brings more love in people’s lives. While counter terrorism operations and other security enforcement measures will continue at one level, the benefits of meditation should ...
  9. I Meditate Africa: Spirit of Volunteerism

    “We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given." – Gurudev.  This is most likely the reason to why in this fast paced word, despite busy schdules, more and more young an ...