Happy Holi to all of you! Holi simply means celebration of colours. Life has multiple colours and it is very juicy, so no one can be dry. Dripped in colours, celebrate life!
Actually you should not gauge your meditation. You should just be. When you are gauging, the gauger and the one who is experiencing are two different things. Meditation is getting into the experiencer and not getting stuck in the experience, that is why it is an act of dissolving.
Yes, see it is one egg and a sperm that got together and made one living cell. Now that one cell has made the eyes, ears, nails, hair, bones and skin, isn't it? These are the divine impulses! It is because of these 33 different things. These 33 Gods are not somewhere out there, they are in our own body and these divine impulses have somewhere become an eye, somewhere become ears, somewhere become the tongue, somewhere it has become the heart, and at another place it has became the liver. It has all happened from that one single cell.
You tell me, what should it be? If you have an idea (of the qualities you should see in a Guru) then you have a pre-conceived notion.
Do you feel comfortable here? Are you happy? Are you making progress? That’s it, done!
Isn’t it amazing? The vibrations are so beautiful, isn’t it? Just relax. Sometimes all these different energies rise, and changes do happen.
Now wake up and see, all the situations that happened from the morning till now, is it there now? Is it not like a dream? You went to school, you had so many fights, is it there now? It’s all gone! Everything is gone, why are you hanging on to them? Leave it, shrug it off. Even a dog shrugs off the water that is poured on it. It is cleverer than you are! If sand or mud gets on the dog, it gets up and shrugs it off. We should also shrug things off and move forward.
This is all a dream. Even this moment can be dream. After 10-20 years, after you are gone, it is all a dream then. Wake up and see there is more to life. This world is bigger than what you can see. There are more worlds. If you want to see these other worlds, you have to shrug things off.
Just be natural!