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Why is India the favorite destination for enlightened masters? Why is India the only country that is bestowed with a rich spiritual heritage? Is there something special about this land?
There have been saints in almost every part of the world. If you go to California, every city is named after a saint. Go to Quebec in Montreal, it is all named after different saints. Of course, India tops the list. It is like asking, why are the ... -
What is the specialty of the River Ganges that the water can wash away our karmas?
Yes, it is true that the water from the Ganges is quite special; this is all I can say. Do you know of the 5 Gans? They are Ganga, Ganesha, Guru, Gita and you figure out the fifth one. Someone says Gaan (song) or Gyaan (knowledge); I have told you four, ... -
Gurudev, many in the media are evaluating the first year’s performance of the Narendra Modi government. What marks would you give the government?
Listen, I am not going to take any test or award any marks to the government. Whoever wishes to judge and give marks for the government’s performance; let them do so. What is more important? We have to see that everyone is contributing in the coun ... -
Gurudev, what is your opinion about the Make in India campaign (a campaign launched to promote indigenous Indian products)?
You know, in the earlier days, every village in India was self-sufficient, and you could get everything you needed in the village itself. For example, in Moradabad in UP you would find a lot of brass utensils. In Kashi (now called as Varanasi) you would ... -
Gurudev, in English, America is called as America, Nepal is called as Nepal, Sri Lanka is called Sri Lanka and so on. But why is Bharat (name for India in Hindi) called as India in English?
When Bombay became Mumbai, then soon India too will become Bharat once again (referring to India returning back to its ancient times of peace and great prosperity). Just like Madras became Chennai, and Bangalore became Ben ... -
This is my first time in India and I am sometimes shocked by the poverty and dirtiness. It is a paradox how this country has so much knowledge and is still like that. Why?
Yes, India has a lot to learn from the West, and the West has to learn a lot from the East. We need to exchange whatever we are good at, because we are one global family.Definitely you are correct, that’s why the first thing our Prime Minister took ... -
Gurudev, you have said that at some point in time women were so powerful that even nature would listen to them. It doesn’t seem to be like that now. What changed?
Well, you should ask the historians. Historians will be able to tell you why women lost their power when they had all the power once upon a time. But it’s not late now.Women should not ask for power. They should not say, ‘I want to be empowered’. -
Gurudev, please speak on the issue of female foeticide.
I would say that it should not be practiced and should be done away with. I have heard that it is quite prevalent here in Haryana on quite a large scale. It is said that the ratio of female foeticide is 7 out of 10.How many doctors are here? I appea ... -
Gurudev, please speak about the dowry laws in the country.
No one should take or give dowry in any form. I would ask all the youths here today to take a promise that they will not support dowry in any way. You should tell your parents that you will only bring a bride home to them as their daughter-in-law, and n ... -
In India, there is a very well known river that is contaminated with germs, and the masters there say that if you’re interested in Hinduism or Buddhism then as a part of the rituals you have to go and have a bath in that dirty river. Can you tell us what really lies behind this?
Once upon a time the river Ganga had very pure water, and today our Prime Minister has taken up the job of cleaning the whole river which is considered very sacred. In India we honor the rivers, the trees, and the animals. Honoring the whole creation is ...