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It is said that there are many instances of changing the body structure in Ayurveda. Could you please speak about this?
Yes, this is a whole science. By taking many types of anti-oxidants and some herbs, doing some exercises and some massages, people rejuvenate their bodies. This is an ancient technique which people in this part of the world have been using to make their ... -
I understand that there is a tradition of fasting on certain days of the month. Why should we do these fasts and do you recommend it?
The ancient people knew that our body being 60% water, full moon and new moon days affect our body and aggravates any chronic illness. So three days before the full moon or new moon they ask you to fast so that all the food that you have had gets flushe ... -
In quantum physics, there is the concept of quantum teleportation, which is similar to that in ancient days when Gurus used to disappear and reappear wherever they wanted to. Is the new algorithms of teleportation the same as how it was implemented in the ancient days?
Yes, our subtle bodies can do that. In the subtle body, you can appear in many people's dreams at the same time. All that is possible. For the physical bodies, in theory, teleportation is possible because we are all just energy. If an image ... -
Dearest Gurudev, many of us here have a vatta-pitta imbalance. Sudarshan Kriya and pranayama should help, then why are we going this imbalance?
This is quite natural when you travel. Food, environment, atmosphere can cause vatta-pitta-kapha imbalance.The three doshas, i.e., vatta, pitta and kapha are not constant; they are like clouds, like water. Water cannot always be still. Water has w ... -
Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013))
Meditation is very simple, and it just takes a couple of days to learn. Once you learn it then you can do it on your own. Then you can do it anytime and anywhere you want. But only before meals, okay! What happens during meditation is our metabolism slows ... -
Gurudev, what is stronger, mind, body or soul? How can I use these three in a good way?
The soul has its own strength, the mind has its own strength and the body has its own position. Everything has its own strength. Keep the three balanced in their own respect. <br> Just today, there was a youth who hadn't eaten since morni ... -
Gurudev, these days a lot of people are suffering from cancer. How can one curb this disease? What should the patient and his family members do to reduce the suffering?
A change of life style will be helpful. When you go to bed, make sure you put off all your electronic devices, your iPhone, iPads, WiFi, put everything off when you go to sleep. It is not good to have so much of electronic vibrations all around. Often, ... -
Gurudev, it is said that the actual matter in our body can be contained in a match box, and the rest is just empty space. Can you please explain the phenomena of levitation in this context?
When you want to stand up, what do you do? Your whole body is on the ground. It is when your mind says to the body, ‘Okay, now get up’, this whole mass of 65 to 70 kilos gets up and starts walking. You take the support of your toes and you walk by taking s ... -
Gurudev, is it necessary to eat a healthy, low fat diet?
You know, there are so many theories nowadays. At first people used to say that you should eat only low-fat, or no fat diet. Now they say that our body converts anything we eat into fat if we do not eat fat at all. So they say you must eat a high-fat and l ... -
Gurudev, how can I drop my attachment to the body? It seems difficult for me to realize that I am in the body, yet, not the body.
You don’t have to make any effort, just wait for some time; the body will detach from you, you don’t need to detach yourself from the body. Just relax. I think you have too much free time to keep thinking about yourself. Just get out and keep doing so ...