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What about the meat industry? Is it violence?
Meat industry, I would say is outdated now because people have started understanding how our whole system is made for vegetarian food. We are herbivorous because our immediate ancestors, apes are vegetarians. Monkeys, cows, zebras are vegetarian. Most o ... -
Gurudev, I am pregnant and I eat vegetarian food only. I was told that I should eat non-vegetarian food during my pregnancy to have a healthy baby. What do you say?
I don’t agree to that. Most of the children born today and born in India, and people are vegetarian there, and in America also.Millions of people in America are turning vegetarians. Even in Europe they have started to turn vegetarian. We have ... -
Gurudev, my father is always after me because I am trying to become a vegetarian. What should I tell him?
Choice of food is yours. You are free individuals. If you are eating healthy then convince your dad that your choice is vegetarian. We all have freedom to choose what we want to eat. Tell him that vegetarian food does not make me weak because ele ... -
After doing Yes! course, I left non vegetarian food, but my parents and others keep forcing me to eat it, what should I do? I really don’t want to do this.
Yes, what you don’t want to do, you hold on to it. Don’t listen to your parents in this case. Listen to other things that they say. ... -
Dear Gurudev, I am finding it difficult to maintain a vegetarian diet for long periods of time. Even though I eat vegetarian protein, I find it is not enough. I still crave protein from meat, and when I eat it, I feel better. I would like to be a steadfast vegetarian because I’m firmly on the path of non-violence. Do you have any advice for me?
It is only in your mind, that you need protein. You know, horses have so much power, they have so much protein and they are vegetarian. Elephant are vegetarian. What power elephants have! You can’t even imagine. Bulls are vegetarian. We say ho ... -
Gurudev, I am 70 years old and I talk about your grace wherever I go. I have come here with full faith and gratefulness. My sons have sent me and told me to spread your knowledge amongst people, in every house, and in every village. Since the past six years I am going from house to house spreading this knowledge. When I organized a course in Pritampura, I did not leave a single house or block uncovered and as a result 113 people did the Sri Sri Yoga course.
Just see the enthusiasm of this mother. You should not say, ‘Oh, I cannot do this, I have become so old and aged.' Even in old age you can talk to people around you and help cleanse people’s minds. With the aging body, you cannot clean a ro ... -
Gurudev, can you please talk about Ahimsa (non-violence)? Also, how can a vegetarian answer a non-vegetarian when he say, ’You vegetarians also kill plants and plants feel pain and scream too!’
Well, ask those non-vegetarians, if they have a puppy at home would they put the puppy on the dining table? No, they won’t! Nobody will. See, our human physiology is made to consume a vegetarian diet. There are a number of research works on this. You ... -
Gurudev, can you please talk about Ahimsa (non-violence)? Also, how can a vegetarian answer a non-vegetarian when he say, ’You vegetarians also kill plants and plants feel pain and scream too!’
Well, ask those non-vegetarians, if they have a puppy at home would they put the puppy on the dining table? No, they won’t! Nobody will. See, our human physiology is made to consume a vegetarian diet. There are a number of research works on this. You ...